Letters to the editor – Thursday (6-18-15)
Published 12:00 am Thursday, June 18, 2015
Last Day Dogs group helps save Rowan animals
I wanted to bring something very important to the attention of all Rowan County Residents.
For the last eight months, Last Day Dogs, a non-profit organization, has worked tirelessly to save animals from Rowan County Animal Shelter. I would be remiss if I didn’t acknowledge the efforts also made by groups both locally and across the state who have helped this shelter, but Last Day Dogs has pulled upwards of 50 dogs from the shelter since January 2015.
This group of nine committed and determined volunteers are some of the most compassionate people I have ever encountered. Financially this effort requires huge sacrifices, and these individuals struggle with the burden of meeting these animals’ needs. They desperately need foster homes and support of every kind.
I felt compelled to tell you about this organization because they are so unheralded and go about making a difference for these animals in a quiet and unassuming way.
I am asking, no I am begging, all of you in Rowan County to please be responsible pet owners so that we can end the suffering of innocent lives. The cycle will not end until people spay and neuter and become responsible for the animals who so totally depend on them for love and care. I myself am from Wake County and have had the honor of fostering two of these amazing dogs.
This organization doesn’t have a website but can be reached via Facebook. If you would like to see pictures of all the precious lives that have been saved out of your shelter, please visit https://www.facebook.com/lastdaydogs
— Jordan Pietz
Would left paper use Cal?
To Ernie Cowan and others who think the Salisbury Post is a “left leaning” newspaper. Surely, as an old Turkish friend used to say, “you are pushing our leg, no?”
When a paper is publishing Cal Thomas (a couple of times even the same diatribe) and John Hood of the John Locke Foundation (funded in part by the Koch brothers), there is no way to make it a left leaner.
Of course, there are articles by authors from the left because it would not be possible for a small paper to survive as a paper that is exclusively left or right. It is hard to find writers who are centrist, as the extremes are ready to loudly claim or disclaim them for their side.
The center is really where it is, and that is where it will have to settle soon, or the country will really lose its luster and power to the stupidity of extremists.
— Donald D. Tracy
Righteousness like rags
So, Mr. Franklin Graham, are you planning on boycotting “adulterer-friendly, abortionist-friendly, pedophile-friendly, etc.” corporations? Tread carefully, Frank. Your righteousness, as is mine, is as filthy rags. (Isaiah 64:6).
— Jane Patterson