Letters to the editor – Sunday (6-14-15)

Published 12:00 am Sunday, June 14, 2015

Procreation should be basis of marriage

I agree with the mayor that no recognition be given for the homosexual conglomeration that is marching in Salisbury.

Most are advocates of what is called “sodomy.” They are inferring that sodomy is fine and if you object to it you are discriminating against them.

Actually, I am the “victim” because I want normal, natural procreation as the basis of a marriage between a man and a woman. Marriage should not be a right for people of the same sex who are sodomists. They have nothing to do with procreation and development of families.

Why should a normal person be forced to accept abominable behavior as proper? This is the USA, not ancient Greece or Rome where normal lifestyles and morals did not exist. Let’s not fall back into the cesspool of ancient immorality!

— John O’Reilly


What has happened?

I was raised in an Orthodox Jewish home; we were taught to love God, attend synagogue, respect others and love our country. My dad and all my uncles served during WWII. My three brothers and I served proudly in our military. I am wondering what has happened to our county’s understanding of our Constitution: a Constitution respected throughout the world.

I doubt whether our elected officials understand the difference between serving the citizenry and serving their religious egos. I read that a commissioner believes she understands my mind, soul, me. Another commissioner gave me and my fellow Jewish and non-Christian Rowan Country citizens the back-handed compliment that “one day, even you might sit in my chair” (assuming you could get elected). My district state representative has the gall to announce that North Carolina should adopt Christianity as a state religion.

Since when did freedom of speech equal freedom for elected officials to promote any religion above all others under the guise of free speech?

Now our county commissioners want to appeal the recent ruling barring promotion of religion at county board meetings. Another fantastic Rowan County governmental slap in our constitution’s face by using tax dollars to fight a personal grievance.

I absolutely understand the joy and well-being one receives from prayer. I totally understand that asking for guidance, wisdom, best outcomes at the board meetings can set a positive tone for the meeting’s progression. Is there a problem with offering “Master of wisdom, of love, and of leadership … guide these proceedings as we endeavor to serve our county and citizens.”? This is an example of “prayer” that is inclusive.

Please stop making Rowan County a national mockery. Business leaders don’t choose to locate where religious egos rule over law.

— Dr. Mitchell Siegel


Offended by column

Christian trouble? I’m a retired senior citizen who has read the Post all my life. The My Turn column from Mr. Butch Hudson “Trouble with Christians,” June 9) offended me greatly. Never have I read such a hate-filled letter on the opinion page.

Mr. Hudson, that’s not anger you’re feeling. What you’re feeling is the unadulterated hate of Christians, or at least that’s the way it read to me, and I’ve read it four times. I would like to thank the Post for publishing Mr. Hudson’s letter. Very eye-opening.

— Dale Myers


Where’s the story?

I have been reading in the Charlotte Observer about Franklin Graham switching his money from Wells Fargo Bank because of an ad featuring a gay couple.  I am also a subscriber to the Post and wonder why have I not seen any coverage of this in the Post?

— Joyce Gregerson


Editor’s response: The Associated Press, which provides most of our out-of-town coverage, did not cover the Graham story. Thank you for pointing out the omission. We published an updated story from Tribune News on Friday.

No to alcohol

I see that commissioners are considering allowing alcohol at West End Plaza. If they want people to drink so much, why do they complain about what happens when they do? Why arrest drunk drivers and people who get in trouble when they drink? Leave them out of jail and let them go on and do what they want.

I do not understand why they are down on people smoking, then don’t seem to try to control anybody that drinks too much. The grocery stores have more alcohol drinks than soft drinks. Just compare all the wine and beer. You’ll find a whole lot more of that in there. If they’re not going to try to control alcohol more, why fuss about people who use it?

In response to James P. Williams’ response (“They are government,” June 7) to my letter (“The rest of the amendment,” May 27), I do know that the county commissioners are part of the government. But our government does need a very higher authority to lean on and to go to whenever they are making decisions of not only county but even national interest. And there is no higher authority than the Lord Jesus Christ and God himself. Our commissioners should be allowed to seek his help in every decision they need to make.

— Leroy Earnhardt
