Quotes of the week 5-15-15

Published 6:53 am Friday, May 15, 2015

“We will continue to do everything we can to shine a light on the false allure of violent extremism and protect innocent people, from terrorist activity, whether inside or outside the United States.”

— U.S. Attorney Ripley Rand,

after prosecuting Donald Morgan,  formerly of Rowan County, to 20 years in prison Wednesday for trying to join the Islamic State terrorist group, ISIS.

“We know that there’s no way 25 years worth of issues can be solved overnight.”

— Josh Wagner,

school board chair, on budget request

“I’ve always been firm in my faith, and I’ve never doubted, but God didn’t promise I would always be on the mountaintop.”

— the Rev. Tim Jones,

who experienced complications after  donating  one of his kidneys to a friend

“May reason and not the sword, terminate all national disputes.”

— Toast to George Washington

during his visit to Salisbury

“I would challenge anything built today to be operating in 65 years.”

— Scott Lindsay,

chief mechanical officer on the 611  restoration project