Letters to the editor – Saturday (4-11-15)

Published 11:28 am Monday, April 13, 2015

Another reason to ban smoking in parks

I would like to piggyback on a recent letter by Whitey Harwood concerning smoking in Dan Nicholas Park. I would like to share a story about smoking in a park setting.

When my daughter was a baby, I was strolling her in a stroller through Mayfest. It was crowded, but smoking was allowed, and really not even thought about very much. However, a thoughtless and careless smoker dropped cigarette ashes in the stroller on top of my sleeping baby.

That’s just one of the many reasons smoking should not be allowed in our parks.

— Ann Safrit


A rebuttal to Todd Paris

Recent letters and countless emails from liberal lawyer Todd Paris cry for rebuttal. Like all liberals, Paris demands two standards, one for his ilk and another for all others.

He screams about sects yet retains his own, the red berets.

He claims himself a Republican yet always attacks “his” party and members as a fifth columnist. The personate all-knowing Paris seems ignorant liberals are Democrats!

He attacks Sen. Brock and others for upholding their party platform. The term Democratic plant seems too kind.

He crows of upholding the law yet makes massive money defending the lawless and criminals, while casting dispersions on those who make and serve the law. Seems as foreign to our sense of justice as his Paris name.

One wonders why this man who would be king has never thrown his weight in the ring as a candidate instead of crucifying others?

Paris needs new rebukes since he has forgotten those of Judge Eddinger for reading Maxim in court, and the repudiation of his cadre of candidates in the last election!

— W.F. Owens
