Letters to the editor — Monday (4-13-2015)

Published 12:07 am Monday, April 13, 2015

Bible tells us heaven beyond human conception

I submitted a letter speaking of heaven as a “dream vacation.” I told God I was trying to share the Gospel using this parable. I was reminded that, as a human, I have no idea what heaven is, except through his word. I shouldn’t try to show a comparison of what I can’t conceive. He said just use my words. Here goes: I was referred to Isaiah 55:9, “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” In other words, I can’t “dream” of heaven with my words or thoughts.

We are told in Revelation 21:10, “The light is like precious stones, clear as crystal.” (18-19), “Wall of city like jasper, city was pure gold like unto clear glass.” (21) “Street of city was pure gold as it were transparent glass.” (23) “No need for sun or moon, glory of God and the lamb is the light.” (22:2), “Pure river of water of life, and trees of life bearing twelve manner of fruits, yielding monthly, whose leaves are used for healing.” (3) “And there will be no more curse (sin).”

These are some of the descriptions given by words of the Bible as written by John; I should’ve used them the first time. They are 100 percent “real” and no “dream.”

So, as God to forgive your sins; you believe Jesus Christ paid the price with his life. Ask to be among the ones to rise again as he did, when he returns. Read your Bible and fellowship with the lord as you have accepted the holy spirit and enjoy the fruitful life now and in heaven forever. Amen.

— Jeff Long
