Letters to the editor — Wednesday (4-1-15)

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Let’s outlaw bullying in schools and the workplace

There have been several changes in places of employment since the 1970s and 1980s. Seniority of employees is less important, lack of respect among employees and/or employers has increased and some new employees already have a disrespectful bad attitude when hired, just to name a few.

If employees refuse to work together as a team, it will cause serious problems within their work environment.

Only the traditionalists and baby boomer generations were in workplaces during the 1970s and 1980s. They were raised during times when decent manners and respect for others were taught.

There is a third generation that has entered into workplaces now. Problem is, a percentage of the X generation people haven’t been taught polite mannerisms, which has made them rude, pushy and with a do-it-my way, me-first attitude.

A lack of respect in workplaces drains productivity, plus raises costs in terms of gossip, negative feelings, distractions and team dysfunctions. The nature and importance of workplace respect isn’t understood by some people, or the rules of workplace etiquette hasn’t been taught to them.

Bullying has also found its way into places of employment,                                                       resembling domestic violence. It occurs more frequently because bullying hasn’t yet been made illegal. Few people thrive in a bullying and aggressive work atmosphere.

There is an urgent need to have a law passed that makes bullying in school and workplace illegal!

— Ellie Mae Lambert


Why pews are empty

On Monday, there were three letters to the editor published. Two of the letters used Bible references to support their hateful attacks on the president of the United States, and the third letter asked why church pews were not being filled with Christians.

I believe that the answer to the last letter is self-evident in the first two letters.

The preaching in many of the churches in and around Rowan County is not reflective of the preaching of Jesus Christ. Jesus in his ministry did not condemn sinners for their sins, but went among them, helped them and loved them. His entire ministry was about how God loved those who were his children even though they sinned. That was why he gave his son to die on the cross for our sins.

Yet today we have “Christian conservatives” that are preaching hate of those who are different than they are. This is not the work of God, but instead the work of Satan himself. If you really have Jesus in your heart then you have love for those who are different than you, not scorn.

You wonder why some churches are losing members; maybe it is because they are no longer churches that preach the teachings of Jesus Christ.

— Julian Torrey


Why pay for self-service?

Logic tells us that part of the price of any item we purchase is used to pay the salary of the employees, including the cashiers, of the sales establishment.  When you use the self-serve equipment doing the cashier’s duties of scanning and bagging your purchases, should you not get a small discount per item?

I have not heard of any such discount. I have watched so many shoppers using that equipment who seemingly are just happy to be getting through the process and out the door quicker than those of us who choose to stand in line for the cashier.  They still pay the same prices but get less service. In other words, they are being charged for services that they are not provided. Projecting this thought to a future time when a store has only self-serve equipment, will all prices be lowered?  If you agree, speak up. I just did.

— June Clancy
