Talkback: What online readers say about …
Published 11:10 pm Thursday, March 19, 2015
… Future remains unclear for site of former mill
It would be nice to have shops, restaurants, museums, parks, movie houses, etc., like it is in Savannah, Ga., along River Street. That at one time was nothing but dilapidated buildings and riff raff along the river.
— Sandra Brown
Opportunity knocking on the door? Everhart said it’s going to take a coalition — at the county, state and federal levels — to get the property cleaned up. He is totally correct. The property needs to be cleaned up, and the sooner the better. … The property is a perfect location for a new development, possibly between Davidson County and Rowan County, a perfect location for a newer and better Rowan County Fairgrounds. … Location, location, location.
— Mark Lyerly
… Hyltons: ‘The Lord made them one’
A very heartwarming story about a super fine couple, blessed by God and close family. They are great role models. It is exciting to see them so active, and I look forward to seeing an update article when they turn 100.
— Tom Speaks
What a great story. I have been blessed to know the Hylton family since the early ‘90s while attending college with Bill’s son, Dan.
— Paul Birkhead
Wonderful article about a wonderful family!
— Brittany Zemanick
… Tim Reynolds to perform at Earth Day Jam
Adding someone with the renown of Tim Reynolds is huge and helps take this concert to the next level. Awesome.
— Eric Shock
Thanks, Mark Wineka, for the great article! For many years, the Salisbury Post has been very supportive of Earth Day Jam and the work of the Land Trust for Central North Carolina. We are fortunate in Salisbury and Rowan County to have an excellent hometown newspaper with a community-minded staff. Thanks again! Subscribe, friends. It is important to support this invaluable community resource!
— Joe Morris
… A couple of clowns
Great article! Nice to see something fun in the news. I wish I had neighbors like that. Thank you for your service in our military and a life dedicated to making people laugh.
— Danny Devaney
Two wonderfully fantastic entertainers! So glad to see this article showing off two of Salisbury’s best!
— Lee Andrews
What fun people! Great article – Thanks, Mark Wineka!
— Carol J. Carpenter
… Early detection leads to prostate cancer diagnosis for detective
Congratulations on this young officer testing for cancer earlier than later. It is terrific the community is supporting his decision in going “out of network. When you have this disease it is mandatory you find the best doctor to do the job as the prognosis is directly related to the skill of the doctor.
— William Gary
… You’re going to like the authors at Rowan Reading Rendezvous
Dear Salisbury friends,
Run, don’t walk to this event! Michel Stone and Jon Sealy are not only terrific writers, they are two of the warmest people you could possibly meet. Both of their novels are splendid. Moreover, George Singleton is wickedly funny on page and in person — don’t miss him.
— Anne H. Waters
… Electronic Medical Records are hardly a cure-all
I applaud you for being honest and bringing these concerns to the public. Transitions take time and the best are often painfully slow. Your handwritten notes that stay in your office put my child at risk when he has an emergency and is unable to tell the attending physicians what his allergies are or what medications he is currently taking. This is why records need to be digital.
I share your concerns about insurers and government using these systems to data mine in a destructive way, but doctors and their practices share the blame for their desire to do so because of the wide-ranging and confusing billing practices. …
The second part of your piece is spot on and is something I and many others have been arguing for years. Again, taking control of the implementation of this within physicians’ groups means you won’t receive impositions or mandates from on high. Just as you teach teenagers that they are in control of their lives, doctors DO have power. You can lie down and keep accepting what’s pushed on you, or you can band together and be proactive so there won’t be a need to.
— Cathy Mahaffey
Thank you for your courage to speak up on this matter. I completely agree with you.
Andrew Weil was considered a radical when he started but I’m happy that his ideas are now coming into the mainstream. Medicine is so much (more) than drugs.
— Susan Faggart
Electronic Health Records for dentists are clearly more expensive and more dangerous than paper dental records. Nevertheless, the American Dental Association claims “EHRs provide long-term savings and convenience,” but without providing the evidence on which the claim is based.
What’s more, as of January 1, paper dental records have been outlawed in Minnesota.
— Dr. D. Kellus Pruitt
… Study reveals significant space needs for county departments
Jim Sides is vindicated
— Rowan TEA Party Patriots
He hasn’t been vindicated yet. The cost to upgrade the mall building may still prove to cost too much to have made it a good deal.
When all is said and done, I would not be surprised if the final conclusion is the mall purchase was a financial folly, but now that it’s paid for, moving forward with its use may be wiser than selling and meeting the space needs elsewhere.
— Mike Martelli
Rather than seek vindication for any particular “side” on the mall issue, I just hope that whatever decisions are ultimately made will be based upon unbiased evidence and objective space needs. It appears that is what the current majority is attempting to do. For that, I applaud their efforts. What more could be asked of our leaders?
— Jeff Morris
We don’t need an additional 438,081 square feet. The space needs study that Jim Sides started says the county needs 438,081 square feet total in the next 15 years. The county owns 324,225 square feet now. Difference is 113,856 square feet. …
It would appear that Jim Sides’ “vision” includes renovating and subsidizing 210,368 square feet of empty commercial space.
The cost will be staggering and I predict it to eventually be nearly three times Gary Page’s “ten million dollars over the course of a decade” estimate. Wait for the cost and huge tax increase necessary to fund this.
— Todd Paris
… Branding Rowan
I think the big selling point for Rowan County is transportation — but not necessarily the Transportation Museum. It’s the population and geographic center of the state — right between Charlotte and the Triad — with easy access. But we don’t have the traffic problems many of our neighbors have. Salisbury is a 10-minute town, unlike Mooresville or Concord, where things can get pretty slow moving and a three-mile trip can take 30 minutes.
How about this for a brand: “Rowan County: the Hub, without the Hubbub.”
— Sam Post