Letters to the editor Tuesday (3-17-15)

Published 7:03 am Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Who will take responsibility for cleaning up our streets?

Is it me or is there  something wrong with the people that are city council and county commissioners? Do these people ever look around and see the amount of trash on the streets and on the sides of the highway?

Ride down Jake Alexander Boulevard, Sunset Drive, Julian Road. We have people that are paid to keep the city and county right-of-way clean. There was a dead cat on Brenner Avenue where the new apartments are being built for over a week. Someone picked it up and put it on the sidewalk. It was still there this morning. I am sure no city truck went by there that could have picked it up!

Old Wilkesboro Road to Brenner Avenue and McCoy Road is another dumping ground. When the grass is cut on the sides of the roads, the trash is ground up, not picked up.

So much for my rant today.

— Lenny Wolfe


Prayers needed for world

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s recent visit and speech should have been given heartfelt prayers and attention, all for the future of our country and world allies.

It was a great opportunity for schools and students to view Netanyahu’s speech, for the sake of not only history, but also how we as citizens are affected by decisions made by government officials elected to represent us.

We tend to feel we do not need to know at an early age or older age the truth. Much in education has been eliminated or left out over the years.

Students are affected, as are their parents, in how we can or cannot live, all according to powerful poetical leaders choosing for us, decisions in all areas of our life.

Students, our future leaders need an early exposure and learning history of government procedures and politics that can make them aware of our democracy, Constitution and freedoms. They too can support what helps us to be a great nation — a better education system, truth,  our Christian faith, commitment and all the values that are and were taught at home, school and in church. These values should continue to be used and supported to help us be a strong, bold, respected people and nation ready to defend.

I feel blessed to have lived through the World War II and Great Depression days. That alone taught me to appreciate the life we are given through our creator God and his word, the Bible. Free will can either honor or dishonor God.

— Carol Cauble
