Letters to the editor — Thursday (2-26-15)
Published 12:00 am Thursday, February 26, 2015
Obama’s immigration ideas take us down wrong road
The writer is responding to a Charlotte Observer editorial, “Let courts, not threats, determine authority,” reprinted in the Post on Feb. 21.
It’s funny that this article says the American people blame Republicans for the government shutdown of 2013. I guess Americans forgot all about this and gave Democrats across the United States a sound beating in 2014. Yet the Charlotte Observer claims that the Republicans again almost brought down the government in December because of the immigration bill.
How do the stupid American people/voters forget so quickly? They don’t, is the answer. I agree that the two-party system over the last seven years has been a failure, but it’s all we have and this president has done all he can do to destroy functional government. To keep America on track, a president must work with all parties. Mr. Obama has done little of that. He reminds me of a kid who takes his ball and goes home if he doesn’t get his way. Executive orders are his way of doing that.
I don’t think the American people want to see amnesty for illegal immigrants; I know I don’t. Why should we when every other nationality has come to this country and become American citizens the right way?
Mr. Obama, instead of taking us down a dirt road, stick to the expressway and let everyone who comes to this country do as all have done in the past, make America work for them using the American dream — not a executive action to make it “give me all you can without working for it.”
Please, Salisbury Post, I have to drive 10 miles to get this paper each day, and I don’t want to see you take the liberal way out again. Hire some columnist or just print the funny paper. The Post is our last great local newspaper of North Carolina, and to print liberal, pro-Obama articles just cheapens my drive even more.
— Grant Eagle
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