Mayor on the run: Hinnant challenges board to 5K races
Published 12:00 am Tuesday, February 24, 2015
By Susan Shinn
For The Salisbury Post
KANNAPOLIS — Mayor Darrell Hinnant could be making some pretty hefty charitable donations in 2015.
On Monday evening, the mayor issued a fitness challenge to his fellow board members. In his Mayor’s Minute, Hinnant noted that there will be seven 5K races taking place in Kannapolis this year, sponsored by a number of non-profit organizations.
“I’d like for everyone on this dais to come out and participate,” he said. “If you beat me across the finish line, I will donate $50 in your honor to the non-profit that sponsors the race.
The dais includes the other six members of council, in addition to City Manager Mike Legg and City Attorney Wally Safrit.
Hinnant’s colleagues did not immediately respond to his challenge.
In other business, council members voted unanimously to:
• Award three grants for the Cannon Boulevard Façade & Site Improvement Matching Grant Program. Grants went to Habitat ReStore for $2,575, Ben Mynatt Pre-Owned for $1,978 and BYB Auto for $659. All three properties will use the grants for landscaping, and the ReStore will also add fence screening, and trim trees and bushes.
• Approve landscape improvements on Cannon Boulevard, planting 76 crape myrtle trees in the six remaining medians between I-85 and Lane Street. Total cost is $21,280.
• Approve a text amendment for the Unified Development Ordinance, identifying the council as having the final decision making authority on acceptance of fees by developers in lieu of open space. The Planning and Zoning Commission previously made the decision.
• Approve a text amendment increasing signage in the Center City District from 32 square feet to 120 square feet, with the exception of properties located on Main Street between 1st Street and Dale Earnhardt Boulevard. Because it is a major thoroughfare with higher speeds, visibility is a problem in that area, according to Zac Gordon, planning director. Councilman Darrell Jackson said that signage works 24/7, and that the change would serve to help local businesses.
• Approve the mission statement, vision statement, core values and department goals and objectives for the Parks and Recreation Department. Additionally, the board approved revisions to Parks and Recreation rules and regulation.
The department is in the process of receiving accreditation, and the board actions were related to the accreditation process.
Gary Mills, the department’s director, said that there are only seven other accredited departments statewide. Such an accreditation would put Kannapolis in the top 1 percent of cities nationwide that have this designation, and would be advantageous when the city is applying for grants, he said.
• Approve a motion for the city manager to execute a settlement agreement for the Wyrick estate bankruptcy. The agreement includes cleanup of a former mobile home park with available Community Development Block Grant funds, after which the property could be redeveloped by a third party.
“We stand in a pretty good position on this transaction,” Safrit said.
• Approve the City of Kannapolis Federal Legislative Priorities.
The March 9 board meeting is canceled, as members will be attending a National League of Cities meeting.
Freelance writer Susan Shinn lives in Salisbury.