Letters to the editor (2-4-15)

Published 6:42 am Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Don’t make life harder for  people who use scooters

I read the article about the man who had the accident (“Scooter driver dies after crash,” in Tuesday’s Post). It said the General Assembly is considering making people with motor scooters and mo-peds have the same registration, tag and insurance as automobiles. I am against this.

I have a motor scooter. They’re not that big. The ones that aren’t already required to be registered have only a 50cc engine.

I’m wondering when the General Assembly is going to make people put a tag on their butts for walking. Even walking is dangerous.

I’ve got a bright red motor scooter. Every time I go up and down the road, people know who it is. Come March or April, I’ll see about getting it cranked back up.

Right now with the price of gas like it is, it’s not too expensive to drive my van. But at the time I got the motor scooter, gasoline was over $3 a gallon. It cost a lot, going to be with my wife every day at a Salisbury nursing home and going home at night.

I think putting more requirements on motor scooters is just something else the General Assembly is doing to try to control what the public does. Any more rules and regulations, from the federal government on down, will just hurt the private citizens who just want to have a way to get around.

This is not going to prevent people from getting killed. You talk about dangerous; let’s get rid of all of the automobiles.

— Leroy Earnhardt
