Beekeepers course starts soon

Published 12:00 am Friday, January 9, 2015

The Rowan County Beekeepers and Rowan County Cooperative Extension invite people to join our Beginner Beekeeping Course.  The course is nine weeks on Thursday evenings, 7-9 p.m., Jan. 15 – March 11 at the Rowan County Agriculture Center on Old Concord Road.

This course will help new beekeepers learn basic skills, and established beekeepers who want to learn more to be successful in keeping honey bees.  It will provide the necessary information about bees, beekeeping, tools and equipment and helpful resources in the joys of beekeeping.

The course is being taught by Bob Blackwelder was the 2009 NCSBA Beekeeper of the Year and past president of the Cabarrus County and Mecklenburg County associations.  He’s been teaching bee schools, based on NCSBA Master Beekeepers program, since 1987.

Cost is $35 per person and includes handouts, beginner beekeeping book and a field day event to be announced.  Pre-registration is required as there is limited seating.  Mail check or monies to: RCBA, PO Box 41, Rockwell, NC 28138.  Please include name, address, phone number and e-mail.  For more information, contact Randy Cox at 704-798-4501.

Cabarrus Cooperative Extension’s Master Gardener volunteer training

Held each Wednesday, Feb. 18-April 22, 9 a.m-noon, David Goforth, Extension agent, will teach N.C. State University curriculum on topics such as: introduction to soils climate, botany, plant identification, diagnosis of plant problems, plant insects, fruit, landscaping, landscape maintenance, transplanting, pruning rights and wrongs, vegetables (discussion of organic), wildlife (encouraging, discouraging), pesticides and lawns.

Upon series completion, participants will become certified through N.C. State University Cooperative Extension’s Master Gardener Volunteer program and  will learn information about plants and how to use resources of NCU to answer basic consumer questions. Participants will also be encouraged to assist other trained Master Gardener Volunteers in various capacities as well as to prepare for the annual Spring Herb & Plant Festival held April 18. Cost is $60.

Register in one of three ways: Sign up and pay by credit/debit card to secretary at 704/920-3315; sign up and pay online by credit/debit card at   or bring payment to the N.C. Cooperative Extension office, 715 Cabarrus Ave.-West,  Concord, to pay by credit, correct cash or check made payable to Cabarrus County. For more information, call 704/920-3320.