Week in review: Test your nose for local news
Published 12:00 am Sunday, November 23, 2014
1. Since the end of August, AMVETS Post 460 has been holding what event every Saturday at its location on Lakeside Drive?
A. A yard sale
B. A vintage car show
C. “Bingo in the Woods”
D. A turkey shoot
2. Victoria Trexler, a freshman at East Rowan High School, wears something special as part of her wardrobe. What is it?
A. Her grandfather’s East Rowan letter jacket from 1962
B. Both East Rowan class rings that belonged to her mother and father
C. A cast signed by members of the University of North Carolina women’s basketball team
D. A scarf knitted by her 100-year-old great-grandmother
3. The Hutton Co. of Chattanooga, Tenn., will build a retail development in the county-owned Summit Corporate Center. How much did the company pay Rowan County for the land which they plan to develop near interstate 85?
A. $1.5 million
B. $2.7 million
C. $3.6 million
D. $4.5 million
4. State funding might disappear in 2015-2016 for driver education programs in local school systems. How much does Rowan-Salisbury Schools charge per student for driver’s education now?
A. Nothing
B. $20
C. $40
D. $65
5. Well-known blacksmith and craftsman George Basinger Sr. died Nov. 16. One of the projects he was most proud of was a replica he built of what?
A. His blacksmith shop on Webb Road
B. Grace Lutheran Church, as it looked in his childhood
C. China Grove Roller Mill
D. The old Rowan County Courthouse, where Rowan Museum is today
6. Jim Leutze has written a book lamenting the direction North Carolina is headed with a Republican governor and Republican-controlled General Assembly. What is the book’s title?
A. “I’m As Mad As Hell, and I Want My State Back”
B. “North Carolina: Gateway to South Carolina”
C. “Entering North Carolina: Set Clocks Back 100 years”
D. “Seeing Red: What Has Happened to the Old North State?”
7. At a quarterly “town hall” meeting at the Hefner VA medical Center last week, one of the veterans’ chief complaints was what?
A. Not having beer as an optional beverage at certain snack bars on campus
B. The telephone system
C. Getting prescriptions filled
D. The presence of too many therapy dogs
8. Salisbury’s poverty rate dropped 5 percentage points between 2012 and 2013, but it’s still high. What is it?
A. 10 percent
B. 14 percent
C. 23 percent
D. 28 percent
9. East Spencer hopes to install more shelters, picnic tables, walking trails, a splash area and cornhole courts as part of improvements to a town park. What’s the name of that park?
A. Railroad Park
B. Dunbar Park
C. Royal Giants Park
D. John L. Rustin Park
10. The Rowan-Salisbury Board of Education voted Thursday night to purchase additional property it wants for the new central school office in the 500 block of North Main Street in Salisbury. Which property does it intend to pay 40 percent of, while Richard Monroe pays 60 percent?
A. Richard’s Barbecue
B. A warehouse owned by the Wallace and Graham law firm
C. Ralph Baker Shoes
D. Shulenburger Surveying
1. D. Even though it’s called a turkey shoot, no turkeys are involved. Rather, participants shoot at a target.
2. A. The letter jacket belonged to Trexler’s grandfather, Bill Earnhardt, who graduated from East Rowan High in 1962.
3. A. The Hutton Co. paid $1.5 million on which a 151,500-square-foot retail center is planned.
4. A. Students pay nothing now for driver’s education in Rowan-Salisbury Schools.
5. B. Using his woodworking skills, Basinger made a replica of Grace Lutheran Church as it looked before the church burned in 1947.
6. C. Leutze’s “Entering North Carolina” book offers his views on modern N.C. politics. Leutze is former chancellor for the University of North Carolina at Wilmington.
7. B. Hefner VA Medical Center Director Kaye Green said the telephone system ranks high among the chief complaints she hears.
8. C. The poverty rate for Salisbury residents fell from 28 percent in 2012 to 23 percent in 2013, according to data from the American Community Survey.
9. C. The town is trying to raise $300,000 in matching grant money toward improvements at Royal Giants Park.
10. D. The total purchase price for the Shulenburger Surveying property is $248,000.