Letters to the editor — Thursday (11-13-14)
Published 6:54 pm Wednesday, November 12, 2014
Minimum wage
is a starting point
The minimum wage is one of the most misunderstood and ill-conceived ideas of progressive, liberal Democrats. It has little to do with a fair wage or poverty and is all about politics.
Let’s begin with the idea of a fair wage. How much is a fair minimum wage? You might say, well, I think $10 or $15 should be the minimum wage. Why? Why not $20 or $25? Which of us has the right to say how much is enough? The employer must do the paying; so, should a politician or some bureaucrat interfere?
This is really all about progressives feeling good about themselves and how they are looking after the little guy. It doesn’t matter if the minimum wage is workable.
Wages should be set by the employer. The amount should be determined by the need and by the skills needed to perform the task at hand. Let’s say you own a restaurant and you would like to have someone clear the tables when your customers have finished their meal and left. Sure, the waiters could clear the table but you feel it would be better for them to look after each customer and offer good service, so, you want to hire someone to do this needed service. It is a low-skilled job and little training needed — not for someone married with children. You should not be expected to pay much for this job.
If you did a good job clearing tables and you are ambitious you could be upgraded to serve, which requires more skills and higher pay. You might one day become a chef or even the owner.
This is the way free trade and capitalism work and why socialism does not. Government should limit themselves to protecting the citizens and our borders, and leave the business community alone.
— Richard Roberts
Don’t shop online
Our county and our towns need our help. Online sales have crippled small towns all over our country and sadly we are not immune to that. Recent changes in The Literary Bookpost compel me to write this letter.
It does not matter if you like or love an owner or proprietor of a retail store. It does matter if you have time to drive around the block a couple of time to find a parking spot. What matters is we need to support those who are in our town and are making their stores available to us. They are trying to earn a living like everyone else.
Independent bookstores are on the verge of becoming extinct in Anywhere USA, and we are lucky enough to have one here. The Literary Bookpost is a jewel in the crown of Salisbury.
Please stop buying things online. Make an effort today and every day to shop local first. Whether it’s a card and a toy, dresses or shoes, a bridal gown or accessories for the home, wine or antiques, baked goods or coffee, art or pottery. Chances are what you need is downtown.
Christmas is coming; that we are certain of. Let’s make it a great year for our shop owners all over Rowan County.
— Carrie Poole