Sometimes, Goliath loses
Published 12:00 am Saturday, September 20, 2014
My niece came down from Virginia Beach over Labor Day weekend to play in a multi-day soccer tournament. That was all the family needed to make an effort to get together. She was to play in three matches, which gave the family the opportunity to get together for a good visit while we cheered for her to win.
An older niece who is married attended the same game I did. She is a first year teacher. We swapped stories about our students and what was going on in our classrooms. She is teaching elementary students and I am so proud of her. She has created a learning environment that will excite and challenge her students to grow and learn this school year. It was an opportunity for the old sage to share with the enthusiastic young beginner.
My little sister, whose daughter was playing soccer, visited with me as well. Her husband had just landed a new job and she got the opportunity to tell me about it. She also caught me up on her three children and how they were doing. My little sister and I have been close through the years, although distance and busy schedules keep us from staying as close as we would like.
My older sister also came to the game. We got to spend some time talking after the game was over. I found out about each of her seven kids. It’s good to know that they are doing well. We also shared about our spiritual lives. We like to share what the Lord is doing in our lives. We listen, challenge, and encourage each other in our spiritual walks. That’s always a blessing.
My niece’s soccer match did not go well. Her team was soundly defeated on the field. My niece came off the field crushed by the defeat. I met her as she came off the field and told her I was proud of her for trying really hard, but the compliment rolled right off her back. She went to the car to deal with her emotions and to talk with her teammates.
I gave her some time and then asked my sister if I could go to the car and sit with her. She said I could try. My niece was so discouraged. I tried to lift her spirits but it was like lifting a lead balloon. I told her that she had two more chances to win another game. She needed to put this loss behind her and think about the next game, which was less than two hours away. She told me that the next team was even better than the one they had just lost to and she expected to be beaten again.
I didn’t like that train of thought and reminded her that Goliath got beaten by David. This next team could also be defeated, but that she had to believe that victory was possible. About that time my sister brought a neighbor over to encourage and build my niece up. He was wonderful with her and gave her some great sport analogies. It must have worked because my niece and her teammates went out and beat those Goliaths. I was so proud of her for pulling it together and fighting for the victory. The family got to see her win the victory and to share with her the excitement of winning.
I imagine that many of you might be facing your own Goliaths. You have looked at his size and determined that you can’t defeat him. I am writing this to tell you; YES you can defeat your Goliath! When God is on your side victory will be yours. There is nothing too big, no giant too tall to overcome those who trust in the Lord. God loves when the odds are stacked against us because then He can show Himself strong on our behalf. God wants to stretch and grow your faith in Him. You do have to stand up and fight the giant, but with God on your side the giant will be defeated and you will be the victor.
I want to encourage you if you find yourself up against something that seems bigger and stronger than you. God is bigger and more powerful than anything that tries to stand against you. He is with you and will never leave you. It may feel dark and hopeless, but trust in the Lord and in His mighty power. Never give up your hope that God will deliver and bring you to victory. Our God is mighty to save. Trust in Him to see you through.
Doug Creamer teaches Marketing at East Davidson High School. His website is located at