Letters to the editor, Tuesday (7-8-14)
Published 12:00 am Tuesday, July 8, 2014
Glad to see some letters to the editor about this fiasco. However, city of Salisbury voters, we will need to address this issue in November, 2015. From the mayor on down, every member of the City Council who does not speak up and try to articulate how they are going to fix this problem and prevent future abuses should be voted out. Why do we need a mayor or council if they allow this blatant disregard for the public interests that they have sworn to protect?
And why was this conducted behind closed doors, to protect whom? I think most of us know the reason why all this went down, and I will leave it at that, but come November we need to comb out a few people and get some folks in there who will do their sworn duty. And finally, come on, Salisbury Post, this is a big story; get on it and find out what is going on. Let’s get it out on the front page until the citizens of Salisbury get the full story.
— Neil Nurisso
For the record
These remarks were intended for the preliminary public comment portion of the June 26 Rowan-Salisbury School Board meeting:
We are proud to represent a very concerned group of Rowan County citizens. Many of us are life-long residents of Salisbury and Rowan County. Most of us are also proud products of our Rowan-Salisbury schools and, yes, we have a vested interest in and care very much about our community, our schools and the future for our students, teachers and fellow residents.
Our purpose is simply to ask you to please, please do your absolute best to exercise your fiduciary responsibility and sound judgment in considering all the factual information and circumstances in your decision-making process.
Although we understand that multiple proposals may have been submitted on the new central office site, one or more of these proposals have yet to be seriously considered or have not been afforded the opportunity to have their factual information and rationale presented to and discussed by the school board. This may be critical to a very fair and objective decision-making process. …
We respectfully ask that in the interest of fairness and complete objectivity, you give very serious consideration this morning to a motion to delay, postpone or table any premature vote on the central office site until all the facts have been presented for your review. Thank you.
— Ronnie Smith
Editor’s note: The board voted June 26 to swap its property on Ellis Street for several lots on North Main Street, to build a new central office there.
To Salisbury drivers: Please, please do not use your directional signals when turning; it is far too courteous.
— Sanford Silverburg
And the city of Salisbury wants to know why nobody in the county wants to be annexed?
— Ernest Cowan