Letters to the editor — Monday (7-7-14)
Published 12:00 am Monday, July 7, 2014
I usually enjoy my morning paper, but this morning I got a little sick. After the Supreme Court ruling that took away the rights of women that work for overly religious employers came about, the Post saw fit to run a full page ad by the same company that has no other agenda than to promote their fanatical beliefs. And on Independence Day, no less.
Is this where our country is going? Are we turning into a bunch of religious fanatics that care nothing about the truth? How many years have women fought for their rights, only to have them taken away by an all-male majority in the court?
This has to stop. There are other people in this country that have rights. They include people that are of different religious beliefs, or none. This includes women who are the only ones that should have a say in what they do with their own bodies. That is why this country was founded, not to support the fanaticism of the fundamentalist Christian.
This ruling has opened a huge can of worms. Now anyone can do what they want, to anyone they employ, in the name of religion. Any religion. This country was founded to make us free from this sort of tyranny. I hope the free thinking people in this country will rule the day in the end.
— Robin Hager
We’ve been hearing a lot about the so-called war on women the past few years. This was especially prevalent during the last election, and the phrase has seen a resurgence with the recent Supreme Court decision regarding insurance coverage of contraceptives.
The media has a huge influence on people’s perception of reality, so many men and women are being convinced that men have an unfair advantage in our society.
When a man and a woman conceive a child, the power of life and death lies completely in the hands of the mother. If it is inconvenient for her to allow the child to live, no matter the reason, or even for no reason at all, she can terminate the pregnancy, no questions asked. If the father wants to save the life of his child, his hands are tied. His rights as a father are non-existent, and he has zero say in the matter. This is reality.
On the other hand, if the father wants to terminate the child’s life and the mother wants the baby, she again has all the power. Not only can she keep the baby, but she is legally entitled to demand child support from the father until the child reaches adulthood. She has absolutely no obligation to the man. The obligation rests entirely on the man’s shoulders.
Women also have the freedom to allow anyone they please to live in their home and raise another man’s children, and the father has no say in the matter. In most cases, men do not have this choice. Is this equality?
Yes, there is a war going on, but it is not a war on women. The real war is on fathers and the scores of innocent, defenseless babies deprived of the chance to even take their first breath.
— Elizabeth Landry