Published 12:00 am Friday, July 4, 2014
Do a fundraiser for the shelter. Charge $2 bucks per whack to take a sledgehammer to it!
— Tammy Mayfield Laub
Finally this horrific gas chamber is removed. Needs to go to scrap yard. Davidson County, your neighboring county is sending you a message. Get out of the Stone Age, and get rid of the gas chamber.
— Kathy Clemmons
My question to (county manager) Gary Page is why do you want to store this Nazi chamber of horrors?
— Carla Jean Page
Hallelujah! Good for Rowan County!!
— Barbara Sheppard
Believe me… there are LR members who are as deeply alarmed as you are by the question marks surrounding the departure of Doug Paris from the City of Salisbury, but that is on an individual level, and LR (by its mission statement) has bigger fish to fry.
— Erick Shock
I just hope the intelligent people of Rowan County were paying attention and will vote accordingly.
— Ken Andrews
A community’s reputation is directly related to economic development. The reason that the economy in this area is stagnant is that it only takes a simple Google search to determine that Salisbury and Rowan County are the definition of disfunction. It is time for a full scale reputation overhaul.
— Patrick Pearson