Letters to the editor — Saturday (6-28-14)
Published 12:00 am Saturday, June 28, 2014
Many individuals and businesses contributed to make last weekend’s Symphony of Gardens, “History in Bloom,” such a success. Sponsored by the Salisbury Symphony Guild, the event attracted garden lovers from far and near to our Historic District.
I would like to thank all who gave their time or financial support to the garden tour, beginning with our Presenting Sponsors, The Perfect Rose and Cloninger Ford Toyota, Via Media and Friends of Music Sponsors.
I am especially grateful to those who generously hosted the tour in their beautiful gardens: Gail and Jason Williams, Betsy and Hal Rhoads, Betty and Jim Carli, Donna and Pete Prunkl, the Wallace family, Betty Sunding, Daniel and Karen DeGraff, Mary Ann McCubbin, Mary and Andy Walker, and Kathy and Lynn Richards. Thanks also to those who prepared the gardens at the Rowan Museum, Canterbury House, Hall House Herb Garden, St. Luke’s Community Garden, and the Triangle Rose Garden.
Also deserving thanks are the volunteer docents, the Plein Air artists, the musicians who entertained in the gardens, photographer Frank Goodnight, the John Sherrill Garden Greenhouse, Rockwell Farms, bake sale hostess Lynn Mills, the Visitors’ Bureau, and the Salisbury Post for publicity. I am grateful to these and all who contributed in any way.
— Anganetta Dover
The writer is chair of A Symphony of Gardens.