A deck of cards

Published 12:00 am Saturday, June 7, 2014

I never thought the day would come that I might actually enjoy watching videos on the internet. But that time is now! I’ve watched so many recently and would like to share one with any readers who are interested.
It has always amazed me what a magician can do with a deck of cards. This man tells the story with a deck of cards spread out on a table before him. He says the story originated in 1778 and he heard it first back in the fifties. It is in circulation again now and some of you may have seen or heard this. But for those who haven’t, I will try to explain the story on the internet. I got so excited that as soon as I wrote the first draft, I called to share it with “the other Linda.”
She stopped me after the beginning to explain how she heard this before and has it in a book that was compiled a long time ago. (A few days later when I was sharing the story with a new acquaintance, she also has a different version of this story.)
The existence of this has amazed me because I remember how playing cards has often been disapproved of in some religious denominations. Cards of chance were a “no-no” in my Baptist church and even children’s card games were frowned upon on Sunday.
This story began one night when a soldier had a deck of cards spread out on the bed in front of him. His sergeant came in and asked what he was doing. “Sir,” he replied “I’m getting ready to spend some prayer time with my Bible.”
“It looks to me like you are playing cards,” the officer responded.
“Sir, please allow me to explain how this deck of cards is like my Bible,” he replied as he picked the cards up and began to shuffle them. He dealt the top card off and went on to say: “This ace reminds me that there is only one God!”
Then he peeled off a deuce (two) and went on to say: “This #2 reminds me that the Bible has two parts, the Old Testament and the New Testament.” The next card he pulled out was #3 and he said, “This number reminds me of the Trinity, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.”
When he drew card #4, he told the officer it represented the four gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Then he pulled out the #6 and told the officer God took six days to create the earth and card #7 reminds us that God rested on the seventh day.
The next card the soldier showed the sergeant was a ten which he went on to say represented The Ten Commandments. These were the tablet of stones that God gave Moses on top of the mountain. The next card was the King of hearts which was a reminder that Jesus is King of Kings and Lord of Lords…KING JESUS!
The soldier had the sergeant’s attention and went on to tell him that there are four suits (hearts, diamonds, spades and clubs) which compare to the four seasons that God has given us. He told him there are 13 cards in each suit and 13 weeks in each quarter; this totals 52 cards in a week as there are 52 weeks in a year.
The soldier finalized this presentation by explaining how thankful he is (and we should be) for the many soldiers who have given their lives for our country!
The magician ended his presentation by pulling out cards (from who knows where) that showed the statue of the soldiers raising our flag on foreign soil. I know I have seen the picture of that many times but I can’t remember where it took place or the title given to the statue. (I expect if I took more time I probably could find that on the internet.)
I have learned that the deck of cards lying in a drawer in my house now means more to me for having seen this video!