Letters to the editor – Thursday (6-5-14)
Published 12:00 am Thursday, June 5, 2014
Use caution driving on Woodleaf Road
The letter in the paper recently from a lady in Woodleaf (“Slow down, people,” June 1) was very good.
We live in Woodleaf and travel Woodleaf Road frequently. Those lights they put up at Woodleaf and Enon Church Road are a disaster. People stop at Enon and then just proceed to cross Woodleaf Road even if a car is coming on Woodleaf.
People who live on Woodleaf pull to the end of their drives and without coming to a complete stop just pull out on the road in front of you and then cannot get going. I think those lights recently installed have confused a lot of people, and they do not understand them. A stop light is needed there for a lot of reasons.
It is a hazard to drive on Woodleaf Road. Some drive very slow and others very fast. Farm equipment traveling on it is a disaster. They should pull over and let cars pass. People walking should not walk on the road, and those little unlicensed bikes should not be on there.
— Ruth Carper
Where’s the news?
As I tuned in to the early news on Monday, I was hoping to get more info concerning the release of an American in exchange for five terrorists who were being held in prison.
I thought it would be “newsworthy” and would be carried in the Post. But, alas, it wasn’t to be found. I gave the Post a pass thinking that maybe they hadn’t received the news from other sources in time to take it to print. So as I opened my paper on Tuesday I was alarmed that it wasn’t there again.
But then I found it. The last story on the back page under the heading of “Pentagon concluded Bergdahl left his unit, but US still sought to free him.”
It is alarming and amazing to me how the Salisbury Post has walked in step with rest of the liberal press to cover the actions of President Obama who clearly acted illegally in this matter by not conferring with the other branches of government before carrying out this outrageous swap.
Words cannot describe my feelings of betrayal by the commander and chief of the United States of America. It is clear what his intentions were.
I have my own theory as to why he did this, but the bottom line is that he did it and the Post chose not to report on it, and when you did it was hidden on the back page in obscurity.
I have been a faithful subscriber for several decades and though I haven’t always agreed with the Post, I have chosen to over look it and to continue to subscribe. But, I think the “straw that broke the camel’s back has been tossed on by this latest act.”
— Donald Vess
Editor’s note: Local news is the Post’s top priority. There was a substantial story on the exchange on page 9A in Monday’s edition.
Honor Guard
I would like to know why the Post did not at least mention the participation of the Rowan County Veterans Honor Guard in Saturday’s Military Museum ceremony, and also the ceremony in Rockwell on Sunday.
These men give their time and dedication to our veterans and people who deserve it.
This is a group of men who served their country, and now want to give back some dignity to those who didn’t get to come home the way they did.
— Shirley B. Rumple
Editor’s note: We apologize for the omission.
Concord is the first municipality in the state to be a commemorative partner in the National 50th Commemoration of the Vietnam War.
A letter in Wednesday’s Post incorrectly gave that honor to Salisbury.