Superintendent to unveil strategic plan for school system

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Superintendent Dr. Lynn Moody will unveil the Rowan-Salisbury School System’s three-year strategic plan at the Rowan County Community Forum in China Grove today.

The plan will be revealed in a video created by the district’s WRSS Student News Team.

“They have created the video that is going to actually unveil the strategic plan — student style,” said the district’s Public Information Officer Rita Foil.

For the last six months, a committee comprised of teachers, principals, administrators, community members and school board members have analyzed data and survey results to prioritize goals for the school system.

In addition to establishing literacy and student engagement as the district’s top priorities, the group created a new vision statement, motto and logo.

Based on end of grade testing, less than 40 percent of district third graders read on grade level. Statistics show those who do not read on grade level by then tend to struggle for the rest of their academic career.

A key component of student engagement is the district’s one-to-one digital conversion plan that will put either a laptop or iPad in the hands of each child in the district, Foil said.

The strategic plan also includes goals and strategies for each of the school system’s departments.

Once the strategic plan is revealed, each school will also develop its own goals and plans based on the district’s plan, Foil said.

Foil said the strategic plan will be unveiled on the district’s website Wednesday, and benchmarks will eventually be added, as the school system progresses through its three-year plan.

Space is limited at the free event, and a reservation is required. There is currently a waiting list for reservations.

The community forum will be held Tuesday at 6 p.m. at the China Grove Community Room, 412 South Myrtle Street in China Grove.