Letters to the editor — Saturday (5-10-14)

Published 12:00 am Saturday, May 10, 2014

House Bill 930 (Puppy Mill Bill) needs to pass the Senate in 2014. This bill sets regulations for basic needs, things that should already be done but at many breeding facilities are not. Things like: safe housing, adequate food and water, daily exercise, vet care, sanitary living conditions and parasite prevention.
If you have seen pictures of a puppy mill you would understand the importance of this bill. Cages stacked on top of each other where urine and feces run down on the cages below, no exercise, no vet care, bred until they are no longer of use as a money maker.
After this horrible life in deplorable conditions, where do they end up if not rescued? In a county shelter, and if not deemed adoptable they are “put down.” What can you do? WRITE our N.C. Senators on the agricultural committee. You can find the e-mail addresses for these senators on the N.C. General Assembly website or on Facebook under: Pass House Bill 930 to Help Puppy Mill Animals (www.facebook.com/events/683095848392508/).
Deadline is May 14. North Carolina being an agricultural state our companion animals have no rights. It’s up to us to get this bill passed! North Carolina is our state. Our voices, our votes make change.
— Angie Allred