Letters to the editor – Sunday (4-27-2014)
Published 12:00 am Sunday, April 27, 2014
I consider it a great honor to have been elected a county commissioner and was privileged to have served alongside Commissioner Jim Sides. During my time of service (2006-2010), I saw that Jim Sides was steadfastly against shady special-interest groups. Jim is still the champion of all hard-working citizens of Rowan County who appreciate a commissioner that stands up to those special interests who would do little work, provide few services or have questionable credentials while expecting that Rowan County fork over high sums of money.
Concerned about open government? Jim Sides has demonstrated his commitment to open government in substantial ways. He strongly encouraged that County Manager Gary Page have his contract negotiated in open session. Did Salisbury do the same with its manager? Jim Sides has pushed to see that more and more information be posted on the county website for any citizen to access, and he helped see that commission meetings be televised and posted on the web for review. Rowan’s citizens have open government at their fingertips.
Jim Sides has been a leader in the fight against forced annexation. No one, it seemed, wanted to be “forced” into Salisbury. This oppressive law was thankfully changed in Raleigh with great effort. It was not popular to stand up against the city of Salisbury. It still isn’t.
For the most part, Jim Sides has been treated harshly in the newspaper. Despite the opinions and projected image, Jim’s efforts on behalf of Rowan’s citizens are effective. From the Rufty Holmes Center to the airport, he has been a positive advocate.
In this age, aren’t we fortunate to have a leader who demonstrates sound character? Jim is known as a God-fearing family man, and recently he loved shopping for Easter dresses with his two little granddaughters. That’s another side of Sides.
Vote for Jim Sides.
— Tina Hall
It seems to me that the race for Rowan County commission is more heated than I have seen in the past. No matter how informed I try to be, I cannot understand why the race is so contentious. Possibly, emotions and strong opinions are interfering with sound judgment.
All of the candidates impress me as good people who want to help their fellow citizens. However, those candidates who are outsiders and less involved in the ongoing political fray are likely to be the ones best able to cool the political atmosphere.
Therefore, let me suggest that my fellow citizens join me in support of candidate Jim Greene. I have known Jim for several years. He is hard working, honest and a dependable businessman.
In my business dealings with him, he has saved me money and demonstrated the highest professionalism. I also have served with Jim in my church. He has volunteered in various positions of leadership, including deacon, Bible teacher and finance committee. He is devoted to worthy causes and is eager to help all of us in Rowan County.
Our wonderful community needs commissioners who can work together for the common good and sincerely seek what is best for everyone. When problems arise, Jim will be part of the solution, not a part of the problem. He will unite us, not divide us. With his business experience, love for his community and impeccable character, we will have a man who is devoted to our best interests. He is a proven servant leader. Please join me in support of Jim Greene for Rowan County Commission.
— James Huyck
I don’t know whether to find it amusing or frightening as the GOP candidates for Senate argue over who is the “most conservative.” I wonder how some of the Republicans in history would fare in that right-wing litmus test.
Any president who would question “state’s rights” would definitely fail the litmus test. And how dare that same president impose a tax on higher income earners! Yes, indeed, Abraham Lincoln, by his denying the wealthy slaveholders their “sovereign right” to hold others in bondage, definitely fails.
Can you imagine a president who is so anti-business that he breaks up the railroads and Standard Oil? Or one who burdens business with such regulations as the Meat Inspection Act or the Pure Food and Drug Act, ensuring proper inspections of food and medicine? Or a president who establishes national parks, national forests, and wilderness protection plans? Looks like Teddy Roosevelt is out.
Yet another president actually removed the National Guard from the hands of the governor of the “sovereign state” of Arkansas, while that governor was standing up for “state’s rights” on what those on the right would consider a local school matter. When President Eisenhower did this to allow students the right to attend that public school in Little Rock, he, too, would lose the support of today’s GOP.
Admit it; today’s Republican leadership is far from the Party of Lincoln. They’re the party of Coolidge, Hoover and Bush. And that’s nothing to be proud of.
— Randy Alley