Letters to the editor – Sunday (4-20-14)
Published 12:00 am Sunday, April 20, 2014
Deadwyler was giant of a human being
Last week Salisbury lost one of its finest citizens. The untimely death of retired pharmacist Charlie Deadwyler came as a shock and surprise to everyone who knew and loved Charlie and his family.
Mark Wineka wrote an absolutely wonderful article about Charlie in Tuesday’s Salisbury Post. Mark captured the true essence of Charlie, and the comments from many of his friends served as a lasting tribute to the legacy he leaves behind.
Although Charlie was small in stature, he was a giant of a human being, a giant of a friend to all who knew him, and a giant of a Carolina Tar Heel fan and supporter.
I personally had the privilege of working side by side with Charlie on the big grill at the recent Kiwanis Pancake Festival. Charlie had scheduled his “trip of a lifetime” to South Africa so he would not miss this annual charity fundraiser. We served almost 2,500 people at the two-day event, and I was amazed that most everyone knew Charlie as their pharmacist or a very special friend. Many remembered and thanked Charlie for many of the good deeds he had done for them or members of their families.
For those of us who knew Charlie, we will surely miss him. For those of us who did not know Charlie, we can be thankful for his example and his many contributions to helping to make this world a better place.
— Ronnie and Janis Smith
Middle school sports not make-or-break
I read Mr. Vall’s article this morning (April 17, “Daddy ball?”) and I am not sure that middle school sports has ever “taken a turn.” As the saying goes, “it is what it is.” It is middle school sports. Important, yes. Worth ragging on hard-working parents trying to do the right thing, no.
Most kids in middle school are seeking out who they are, where their talents exist, and trying to gain some self-confidence. They are rarely concerned with trying to become stars.
I have had children in independent schooling and public schools in Rowan County, and I have watched many working parents take their own time to share their talent/love for coaching and for the game with youth of all ages. In fact, I am a little wistful that I did not have the background to be able to share in this awesome effort of parent-school-child myself.
That “turn” you are referring to happened some 35 years ago when middle schools did actually have full-time coaches/gym teachers, at least the school I attended did. Unfortunately, the world changes. Coaches used to have to teach classes; and now teachers have to coach, if they have time between tutoring, meetings and other activities.
If you ask them, most high school coaches love the challenge of an interested kid who maybe did not have the best coaching, but loves the game and has some knack like hand-eye coordination. It’s called being ripe.
Sure some parents get accused of being too involved; but would we not rather see that than none at all?
Positive reinforcement and teaching of proper sportsmanship is best for any young athlete. It does not matter who coached them in middle school: parent, teacher, college intern, or a grandparent. Budget money needs to go to teachers and facilities at the end of these days.
— Kim Robinson
Great new school for great place, Davie
Wow! How exciting to see the new Davie County High School plans!
The people of Davie County can be so proud of what they are doing for their young people and the whole community. What a positive difference you can make for Davie County!
I’m a Davie High grad and former teacher in the Davie County School system, so I know the need.
There always seems to be a few people that are negative about everything and are living with the “chicken little complex” (the sky is falling — always expect the worst). Listen to your own hearts and those in the community that have shown time and time again how much they care.
Come together and vote yes for the new school bond.
— Karen Bullard
North Myrtle Beach, S.C.
Shelter questionable
Since Rowan County Animal Control routinely gasses hundreds of adoptable dogs and cats without expending any effort in finding them homes, I doubt concern for the animal’s welfare was the reason for allowing adoption of a known aggressive dog. Did they need the $70 so desperately?
Questionable activity has gone on at Animal Control here for years. No one has been held accountable. The “good ole boy” network sticks up for their own. For the sake of animals, let’s clean house and join the rest of the country in the 21st century.
— Dr. Joanne Bryla
China Grove
Writing endorsement?
The deadline for letters regarding candidates in the May 6 primary is Wednesday, April 30. Please get your letters to us by 5 p.m. that day in order to be published before the primary. The last endorsements for the primary will be published May 2.