Letters to the editor (4-8-2014)
Published 12:00 am Tuesday, April 8, 2014
Was brief delay worthy of rage?
To the gentleman in the rusted-out yellow Corvette convertible who flew into a cursing rage in downtown Salisbury the evening of March 27, I am the mother of three and grandmother of nine who held you up an additional 45 seconds at a traffic light because I failed to turn right on red.
I am sorry for your inconvenience and hope the bulging veins in your neck and face (as you screamed curses and insults as we waited side by side at the next light) didn’t spill over to the rest of the people you came into contact with that night.
I admit my mind had drifted a moment at that first light where I failed to turn right on red. My father had passed away unexpectedly 24 hours earlier, and I had just spent two hours with the pastor planning his service. Grief and loss distracted me in that moment, causing your delay.
I am not stupid (with or without the descriptive F word), nor am I a B word (with or without the descriptive F word), and yes I do know how to effin’ turn right on effin’ red.
Anyone who could be that enraged over a seconds-long delay must indeed be an important man with important places to go, and you certainly proved your manhood in the way you bullied and screamed and intimidated a woman alone in a car, afraid to even make eye contact to say “I’m sorry”.
I did wonder how you would feel about any man being so verbally abusive to your own grandmother? Mother? Sister? Daughter?
— Terry Brandi
Illegal activity
I am very disappointed that the Salisbury Post would put a story on the front page of the paper about an illegal wedding. (“Salisbury women look forward to ‘illegal’ wedding trip,” Monday.)
I will leave my religious feelings out of the equation here. This is from a purely legal perspective. Why are we glorifying illegal activity?
Next thing you know we will be having contests for people who want a free trip to go to Denver so they can buy pot. Maybe next there will be a contest for people who want to practice polygamy. What has happened to us?
This story deserved no attention, much less front page news. Have we digressed so far as a society that we will glamorize breaking the law?
— Ronnie James
China Grove
Far from metros
Some, but by no means all, of the reason for Rowan’s slower growth relative to surrounding counties lies in its greater distance from Charlotte, Greensboro and Winston-Salem.
Spillover development from these cities first comes to their adjacent regions. Rowan, being farthest away, can’t do much about that, and has to work harder in other areas.
— M.B. Blankenship Jr.