Letters to the editor – Monday (3-31-14)
Published 12:00 am Monday, March 31, 2014
Senator Hagan’s agenda is wrong
The Salisbury Post seems a little bewildered and miffed at Sen. Richard Burr not inviting their reporter into a private luncheon recently. To understand the refusal, the Post need look no further than their editorial page of March 28.
The vast majority of that page was devoted to the re-election of Sen. Kay Hagan, via the socialist rantings of Gene Lyons — bashing the Koch Brothers — in mirror image of Hagan ads. The Koch Brothers, you know, those evil siblings who have created tens of thousands of high-paying jobs here in the U.S. while fighting an evil Obama administration and his liberal lock-step soldiers like Hagan.
The obvious reasoning behind all of this is to steer voters away from issues like Obamacare, gun control, disastrous energy policies, sluggish economy, becoming a world joke, NSA spying, IRS, corruption, Bengazi cover-up and re-writing the constitution.
Republicans gaining Senate control this fall is absolutely essential in restoring sanity and freedom — bought and paid for with the blood of millions of Americans over the centuries. Hagan is a cog in the wheel that turns Obama’s dream machine of America’s destruction. If Hagan is allowed to help confirm another left-wing simpleton to the Supreme Court — she supported Sotomayor and Kagan, both voting for the destruction of the Second Amendment in the Heller and McDonald cases — then the destruction of our constitution will continue long after Obama leaves office. We won those cases on a 5-4 vote. If Obama holds the Senate, gun (and other constitutional rights) may well resemble those of Nazi Germany in 1938!
— Randy Biggerstaff
Editor’s note: Other columnists featured on the Post’s Opinion page last week included conservatives Cal Thomas and Kathleen Parker.
Trust Auten
During this time of notable political corruption, we need to lean on those that have proven themselves to be honorable, demonstrate impeccable character and honor. To lead by setting the example for others to follow.
Our sheriff, Kevin Auten, has served the citizens of Rowan County with each of the traits we demand in our elected officials. The position of sheriff is vitally important to the safety and security that each of us rely on for our families, at home, school and the workplace.
There is no doubt that Sheriff Auten is the only serious candidate for sheriff of Rowan County. Support your local sheriff and keep Sheriff Auten as our sheriff of Rowan County.
— Carl Dangerfield
On Hobby Lobby
This is in response to the letter by Pat Smith regarding the case before the Supreme Court regarding contraceptives and Hobby Lobby.
Smith writes: “You omitted the fact that it involves abortion-inducing contraceptives.” That cannot be true. By definition a contraceptive prevents pregnancy and an abortion terminates a pregnancy. There is no such thing as an abortion-inducing pregnancy prevention drug.
Smith claims “The U.S. Supreme Court will decide whether the right to free exercise of religion applies when Christians engage in business.” This is also in error. Hobby Lobby is a corporation, not an actual person who goes to church.
The family that manages the trust that owns Hobby Lobby are free to go to church, not get insurance that covers contraceptives, preach, not preach and generally live their life as they choose.
What they should not get to do is use their power of management to meddle in the health care of people who work for the corporation. Does Smith also believe that an atheist business owner can ask his employees to deny the existence of Jesus every morning?
Smith says “Hobby Lobby and Conestoga Wood Specialties are Christian family businesses that operate on biblical principles.” This is also incorrect. Hobby Lobby and Conestoga Wood Specialties are corporations. Corporations are formed explicitly to shield individuals from liability of debt and fines that the corporation may incur.
Does Smith think that these individuals should be able to shield themselves from consequences of the actions of their corporation and then, at the same time, assert their personal beliefs onto the health care options of their employees? When Hobby Lobby shows up in church and says what it believes, then it may have an argument.
In short, your right to religion and to worship as you see fit is a wonderful thing, but it comes to a sudden end when it attempts to dictate how I live my life.
— Greg Page