Rowan now part of League of Innovative Schools

Published 12:00 am Thursday, March 27, 2014

Digital Promise, a national, independent nonprofit organization authorized by Congress to accelerate innovation in education, recently announced Rowan-Salisbury School System is one of nine new members accepted into the League of Innovative Schools.
The League of Innovative Schools is a national coalition of school districts and educational agencies that is both a professional learning network and an incubator for innovative educational practices. The league brings together educators, researchers and entrepreneurs to demonstrate, evaluate, and replicate promising ideas, with the goal of improving student achievement.
The Rowan-Salisbury School System was selected from a competitive and national pool of applicants, based on its leadership, evidence of results, innovative vision for learning powered by technology and commitment to collaborating with other league members. Upon joining the league, members will share lessons learned, participate in national and regional forums, and partner with research institutions, technology developers and one another to deliver better results for students.
The league now includes 46 school districts and education agencies in 25 states, representing nearly 3 million students.
New members were to be officially welcomed this week at the national League of Innovative Schools conference at Sunnyside Unified School District in Tucson, Ariz.