Letters to the editor — Friday (3-14-2014)
Published 12:00 am Friday, March 7, 2014
After reading letters from a couple of liberal veterans spreading canards about Senator Burr, maybe it’s time to hear an account of what really went down between Senator Burr and admitted socialist Bernie Sanders of Vermont. Actually, I admire Sanders, a rare breed of Democrat affirming his socialism. If the writers had taken a few moments to call Senator Burr’s office, they would have learned the truth concerning blockage of the bill Sanders wanted to pass, which would have further clogged up an already backlogged Veterans Administration.
We have thousands of veterans with service connected disabilities waiting in line for their cases to be reviewed by the system. Some of these vets have been waiting a year or more — give or take — for decisions. Many of these vets have serious disabilities, like brain damage, missing limbs or eyesight. Democrats wanted to stack thousands of vets without service connected disabilities on top of the already soaked inventory, thereby swamping an already abysmal situation, amplified by the incompetence of this administration and his lockstep soldiers like Sen. Kay Hagan.
Anyone serving in 1980 witnessed Reagan come in behind Carter and clean up the potentially catastrophic military calamity “Jimmy” left in his wake. Thousands of junior-rank soldiers were on food stamps just to survive. If we elect a Republican president in 2016 – and take back the Senate this year – it will be de-ja vu (Carter style) all over again – as Obama destroys our military and channels the money to his failed socialistic programs. Obama is dropping our military back to pre-WW2 levels. In today’s world. Got that!? Like one writer said — we will remember!
— Randy Biggerstaff
It is amazing that everyone is finding everything wrong with cigarettes and not that much is said about beer, liquor and wine when people are getting hurt and killed by drunk drivers on a daily basis. Tobacco kept North Carolina going for years.
It is amazing that our elected officials want to cut our military in size and pay, when those officials are the ones who need a cut in pay or to be impeached from top to bottom. I would like to have their pay — ranging from $174,000 a year to $400,000 a year for doing nothing.
It is amazing that mopeds are allowed on the highways but are not required to have a tag or even for the driver to be licensed.
Our elected officials in Washington and Raleigh need to try to live on Social Security and Medicare like we do.
Thanks to the VA for everything they do for us veterans!
— Johnny Shook