Take part in the inaugural Empty Bowl for Nazareth Children’s Home
Published 12:00 am Thursday, February 27, 2014
Inaugural Empty Bowl — Noon-2 p..m. Monday, March 3: Fundraiser to benefit Nazareth’s Children’s Home. Tickets $20 for soup lunch and commemorative bowl by Cheryl Goins of Pottery 101. Tickets available at Emma’s (704-310-5511 ) and Pottery 101 (704-209-1632).
Downtown Salisbury’s March Against Hunger — Dining and shopping on First Friday, March 7, with proceeds going to Rowan Helping Ministries • At merchants: 10% discount to customers who donate 4 or more canned food, pantry or toiletry items. Some restrictions apply • At restaurants: 10% of food purchases from 5-8 p.m. goes to Rowan Helping Ministries.
Kiwanis Pancake Festival — 5–8:30 p.m. Friday March 14 and 7-10:30 a.m. Saturday March 15: Rowan County tradition since 1957, held at J.F. Hurley Family YMCA, 828 Jake Alexander Blvd. Tickets $5 at the door, 704-797-4235, or any Kiwanis member. One child under age 5 accompanied by adult eats free. Proceeds support Kiwanis Charities. Sponsored by the Kiwanis Club of Salisbury.
Charlotte Brain Tumor Race — 8 a.m.-noon Saturday March 22: 5K or 10K course or walk 5K course, Freedom Park, 1900 East Blvd., register at 303-877-0534, www.braintumorrace.org/charlotte
‘Unsung OCT’ — March 28–30: Old Courthouse Theatre fundraiser Musical revue showcasing songs from still “un-sung” shows.All tickets $15 at oldcourthousetheatre.org or 704-788-2405
Statesville area Bark For Life event — 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Saturday, April 12: To participate as a sponsor, vendor, and/or registrant, complete applicable forms found at www.relayforlife.org/barkstatesvillenc
Fourth Annual St. Paul’s Cruise ‘n Barbecue — Saturday, April 26: 10 a.m.– noon Poker Cruise. Noon-4:30 p.m. Cruise-in, car and bike show, music, port-a-pit chicken. Door prizes, raffles, more. St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, 205 St. Paul’s Church Road, 704-239-1172, www.facebook.com/stpaulscruisenbarbecue
Third annual Natty Greene’s Brewing Co.’s Earth Day Jam — Saturday May 3: Headliner Justin Fedor and the New Familiars.
Kannapolis History Associates — 7 p.m. Monday, March 3: Gerald Hilton presents “Little Wonder Football in the 50s and 60s,” clips from A. L. Brown varsity football games in 1956, 1959, 1962, 1964. Membership dues can be paid at this meeting. A. L. Brown High School social room, 415 E. First St., Kannapolis. Park East of Trinity Methodist Church. 704-932-6125 x 412.
Rowan Museum History Club — 7 p.m. Tuesday March 11: The War of 1812: Andrew Jackson and Horseshoe Bend, Jeff Bockert. Light refreshments; free. Rowan Museum Messinger Room, 202 N. Main St., use rear entrance, 704-633-5946, rowanmuseum@fibrant.com
See Blackbeards’ treasures at Reed Gold Mine — Reed Gold Mine, 9621 Reed Mine Road, Midland, 704-721-4653, www.nchistoricsites.org/ reed/reed.htm
19th century Artisan Event at Latta Plantation — March 1-2: Watch and learn special 19th century skills such as open-hearth cooking, fiber, blacksmithing; also tour plantation house and outbuildings. Adults $8, $7 seniors, $6 fo students, ags 5 and under free. 225 Sample Road, Huntersville, 704-875-2312, www.lattaplantation.org
Stanly County Heritage Workshop — 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Saturday, March 8: Hosted by Stanly County chapters of DAR, SAR, UDC; Stanly County Genealogical Society; Stanly County Historical Society/Stanly County Museum; Stanly County Library. Held at First Baptist Church, 202 N. Second St., Albemarle. Lunch will be served. Register at 704-986-3755 by March 3.
Sy Arden and The Sky Captains of Industry at The Evening Muse — 11 p.m. Friday Feb. 28: Tickets $5-$7, 3227 N. Davidson St., NoDa Arts District, Charlotte, 704-372-1000, www.eveningmuse.com
‘Let All Creation Sing’ — 7:30 p.m. Sunday, March 2: Choirs of Catawba College spring concert. Held at Omwake-Dearborn Chapel on the Catawba Campus.
Pop/rock band Life Size — 7:30 p.m. Saturday March 1: Life Size marks its debut release at Lee Street Theatre, Jeremy and Jessica Vess open. $10 general admission, $8 students. 704-310-5507, www.leestreet.org
Brand New Opry at The Davis — 7:30 p.m., Thursday March 6: Bluegrass show hosted by Jeff Whittington features some of the best musicians in the area. Tickets $15. The Davis Theatre, 65 Union St. S Concord, 704-920-2753, www.CabarrusArtsCouncil.org
The Piedmont Prime Time Community Band presents — 7 p.m. Saturday, March 8: “Music for British and American Composers,” also the 208th US Army Reserve Band. Held at McGill Baptist Church, 6300 Poplar Tent Road, Concord.
Coming to Lee Street theatre — 7:30 p.m. Friday March 14: Chatham County Line. Tickets at www.leestreet.org or 704-310-5507.
Salisbury Symphony presents — • Saturday March 22: 7:30 p.m. – Keppel Auditorium, Catawba College. “Carmina Burana”. Salisbury Symphony, David Hagy, conductor. Featuring seven choirs. Soloists: Leonard Rowe, baritone; Megan Cleaveland, soprano; Joshua Moyer, tenor. 704-637-4314; salisburysymphony.org
Harrah’s Cherokee Event Center — • The Robin Thicke show scheduled for Feb. 25 has been postponed to March 14 • Comedian Gabriel Iglesias, March 22 • Zac Brown Band, March 29 • Harrah’s Cherokee Event Center, 777 Casino Drive, Cherokee. www.ticketmaster.com or 800-745-3000.
The Blumenthal Performing Arts Center is: The Belk Theater/Booth Playhouse/Stage Door Theater at 130 N. Tryon St. AND The McGlohon Theatre at Spirit Square/Duke Energy Theater at 345 North College St. AND Knight Theater at Levine Center for the Arts at 430 South Tryon St. AND Ovens Auditorium at 2700 East Independence Blvd. Complete listings at www.blumenthalarts.org • “Evita,” March 4-9, Belk • Banff Mountain Film Festival, March 15, McGlohon • Béla Fleck and Abigail Washburn, March 28, McGlohon • McGlohon TheaterPostSecret: Unheard Voices, April 22-May 4, Booth • Blumenthal Performing Arts, 130 N. Tryon St., Charlotte, 704-372-1000, www.blumenthalarts.org, www.carolinatix.org
Kaleidoscope Cultural Arts Festival and Art Walk — noon-4 p.m., Saturday April 26: Family-friendly cultural arts event, downtown Kannapolis. Free for patrons, participants. Info: Michael Knox, 828-231-5037, mknox@modernfilmzine.com or info@kannapolisarts.com
Second annual Rowan County May Fest — May 14-18: Inners Shows provides the Midway along with No Joes Circus/Petting Zoo • Fireworks Wednesday-Thursday May 14-15 • Rowan’s Got Talent Show preliminaries Wednesday-Friday May 14-15-16 • Finals on May 17 • Craft show May 17 • Rides May 14-18: Wednesday-Friday rides open at 6 p.m. and Saturday and Sunday at 1 p.m. Arm bands available each day. Rowan County Fairgrounds, Julian Road.
PPT Youth Theatre presents ‘A Thousand Cranes’ — Feb. 28 and March 7 at 7:30 p.m., March 1 and 8 at 2:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. Adults $10, seniors/students $8. Tickets go on sale Feb. 24. Norvell Theater, 135 E. Fisher St., 704-633-5471. www.PiedmontPlayers.com
Broadway’s Best Theatre, Mocksville — Musical Theatre Academy begins classes March 3: Broadway’s Best offers classes for middle and high school students in Musical Theatre. SEE CLASSES. 103 Beechtree Place in Davie County, intersection of I-40 and Farmington Road.
OCT’s Living Room Reading Series presents ‘The Wisdom of Eve’ — 4 p.m., Sunday March 16. Free, rated rated PG-13. Old Courthouse Theatre, 49 Spring St. NW, Concord, 704 788-2405, www.oldcourthousetheatre.org
Coming to Lee Street theatre — April 3-5 and 10-12: World premiere “The Sugar” by Denise Stewart • May 8-10 and 15-17: 6th Annual Original 10-Minute Play Festival, “Office Hours” • June 19-22 and 26-28: St. Thomas Players present “Driving Miss Daisy” • July 17-20 and 24-26: St. Thomas Players present “Next Fall.” Lee Street Theater & Performing Arts Center, 329 N. Lee St., 704-310-5507, www.leestreet.org
Quest for the Golden Shoes — Every Saturday in Feb. and March: visit Dan Nicholas Park to search for the Golden Shoe, hidden somewhere in the park. New shoes hidden every Saturday morning, clue posted at www.dannicholas.net. Lucky finder each week wins prize. Visit www.dannicholas.net for clues, information. Grand prize of Nook Color drawn April 1 from list of weekly winners. 704 216-781.
Second Time Around Band at J.F. Hurley Family YMCA — 7-10 p.m., Saturday, March 1: Older adults dance, live music, $6 each and bring a snack to share. J.F. Hurley Family YMCA, 828 W Jake Alexander Blvd., 704-636-0111.
Book reading, talk, and book signing — 5 p.m. Friday, March 7: Meet Barrie Kirby, author of “No Such Thing as a Cherokee Princess,” at informal wine and cheese book signing 5-8 p.m.; Kirby will talk about the writing process, creativity, spirituality at 6 p.m. Sponsored by Center for Faith & the Arts and Literary Bookpost/Just the Thing. Held at Literary Bookpost/Just the Thing, 110 S. Main St., 704-630-9788, for details.
Community Day at West End Plaza — 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Saturday, March 8: A community day for non-profit organizations to display wares and information. Formerly Salisbury Mal. 704-216-8137.
‘At the Throttle’ returns — Gift certificates available to put your loved one into the cab of the Lehigh Valley #126 steam locomotive at the NC Transportation Museum, Spencer. Choose from March 1, 8, 22 and 29 and April 5, 12 and 26. Must 18+ years old with valid driver’s license. Release forms required. Scheduled a 30-minute session at 704-636-2889 ext. 257 or 237 or email david.marshall@nctrans.org or sara.gettys@nctrans.org
NC Rowan County Anime Group — Feb. 28-March 2: Convention “What The Hell Con,” Guilford College Greensboro. www.facebook.com/events/613426185392510/ • 10 a.m.-3 p.m. March 8: West End Plaza Community Day 2014. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/NCRowanCountyanime/
Planetarium Laser Shows ‘Laser Vinyl’ — Two shows, 5 and 7 p.m. Saturday March 15: Laser concert representing the best of classic rock alongside some of the most stunning laser art ever produced. AC/DC, Aerosmith, Journey, Pink Floyd. Viewer Discretion advised: Some songs may contain lyrics and images inappropriate for young children. As part of the fun, audience is encouraged to wear tasteful “hairband rock” attire. Doors open 30 minutes prior to show. $3 adults, $2 12 and under. Marchgaret C. Woodson Planetarium, 1636 Parkview Circle, park and enter in the back from Lilly Avenue. Horizons Unlimited, 704-639-3004.
Harlem Globetrotters coming to Goodman Gym — 7 pm Wednesday March 19: Fan’s Rule Tour at Catawba College, Goodman Gym. Tickets 704-637-4474 or Ticketweb.com
Concord Library events — • SeussFest: a Dr. Seuss birthday celebration, March 1 from 11 a.m.-noon for ages 4 and up. 704-920-2058 • Kids of all ages come build a city made of LEGOs on Saturday, March 1 at 11 a.m. at Village Park, 700 West C St., Kannapolis. Cost is $10 & registration is necessary at 704-920-4343 • Students 6th-12th grade and adults invited to “shelf room” contest. Details at www.411CommunityRead. wordpress.com • DIBS/Concord Book Discussion March 4 at 6 p.m. discussing”Mr. Penumbra’s 24-Hour Bookstore” by Robin Sloan. 704-920-2053 • Discussion on “Mr. Penumbra’s 24-Hour Bookstore” 11 a.m. March 5 at south campus of RCCC, 1531 Trinity Church Road, 704-216-7222 • Discussion on “Mr. Penumbra’s 24-Hour Bookstore” 11 a.m. March 5 at NC Research Campus of RCCC, 399 Biotechnology Lane, Kannapolis, 704-216-7222 • 27 Union St. North, Concord, www.cabarruscounty.us/library or Facebook
Cabarrus Arena events — 4751 Highway 49 N. Concord, 704-920-3976 • March 1: Spirit Solutions • March 5-6: Conference Carolina’s Basketball • March 7-8: 2014 Charlotte Hamfest • March 7-9: Move Productions • March 8: NCAAU Wrestling State Champions.
CJ’s BBQ, 210 Old Amity Hill Road, Cleveland — • 6:30 p.m. Feb. 28: Friday Night Bluegrass with Nu Hy Ways. 704-278-4070.
Go Burrito, 115 W. Fisher St. across from the mural — • Mondays: Game night • 9 p.m. Wednesdays: Karaoke night • Thursdays: Trivia night, form teams, win prizes. www.facebook.com/GoBurrito
The Inn, 1012 Mooresville Hwy 150 — • 8 p.m., Saturday March 1: Hip hop rap night, CD release party for Prophet Kye • Set Free Church meets 5 p.m. Saturdays. Free refreshments, air hockey, foosball, pool, wi-fi. Public invited to jam or schedule their group to perform. 704-213-1476.
E.H. Montgomery General Store — 7-9 p.m. Fridays: Open Bluegrass jam for acoustic musicians. Historic Village of Gold Hill, Facebook, 704-267-9439, www.themontgomerystore.com
Nashville Nights, 125-127 E. Innes St. — • 9:30 p.m. Saturday March 1: The Tony Bailey band • 7 p.m. Tuesdays: Free pool • 8 p.m. Wednesdays: Open mic • 9 p.m. Thursdays: College Night and Karaoke, ages 18+ welcome with college ID • Fridays: Deejay Snow • 704-762-9990.
Richard’s Bar-B-Que, 522 N. Main St. — • 5-8 p.m. Wednesdays: Cruise-In, 10 percent off. 704-636-9561.
Rick’s BBQ and Grill, 929 S. Main St. — • 6 p.m. Monday, Thursday: Karaoke • 6 p.m. Tuesday: Cruise-in • 7 p.m. Thursday-Friday-Saturday: Karaoke. 704-642-0050.
Stars & Bars Tavern, 723 Klumac Road — Saturday March 1: live music with Dougie Fresh . March 15: Riders Band • Mondays members appreciation night • Friday Ladies’ night • Sunday free pool. $5 members, $6 nonmembers. 704-310-5503.
Statesville Shag Club, 139 Jordan Lane, Statesville — Second and fourth Fridays, members $5, others $7. Large dance floor, cash bar, great menu, 50/50. VFW Post 2031. www.statesvilleshagclub.com
TJ’s, 2675 Providence Church Road — Thursdays-Saturdays 4 p.m. until. www.highrocklakerestaurant.com
Uncle Buck’s All American Pub & Grub, 127 S. Main St. — • 9 p.m. Thursday Feb. 27 (tonight): Matt Woods • 9 p.m. Friday Feb. 28: The Metro Jethros • 9 p.m. Saturday March 1: Mt. Woodland Band • Magic Mondays 6-8 p.m. with magician Glen Yost • Closed Sundays. 704-633-3750, www.facebook.com/unclebucksgrub
Old Stone Vino, 515 S. Main St., Kannapolis — Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays, Saturdays: Live music. 704-938-2337.
Tripp Edwards hosts Laugh Tracks — Friday-Saturday Feb. 28-March 1: Host and musical guest Tripp Edwards. Friday 8 and 10 p.m.; Saturday 10 p.m. $10 at the door. Spoken Space Theatre, 405 N. Lee St., www.spokenspace.com
Salisbury Wine Shop — 5:30-7:30 p.m. Friday, Feb. 28: New Vintage Releases Wine Tasting with Josh Lavis of Country Vintner. $5/person 106 S. Main St., 704-636-5151, sws@salisburywinehsop.com, www.salisburywineshop.com
Morgan Ridge Vineyards — Drop in 4-8 p.m. Saturday, March 1: Beer Pairing and Mardi Gras Party; Beer flights paired with food samplings for each four styles. Music by deejay David Barrier, Mardi Gras Beads, etc. Additional food, beer, wine available for purchase. RSVP to 704-639-0911. $15 pp plus tax • February is Bring a Friend Month: with purchase of any one regular tasting, receive complimentary $5 tasting of wine or beer. Mention code BFF4. Complimentary tasting does not include the glass. Code must be mentioned prior to tasting. May not be combined with any other specials. 704-639-0911. 486 John Morgan Road, Gold Hill. morganridgevineyards.com
Chrismons, all new designs — • Thursday Feb 27, 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., New Beginners • Thursday Feb. 27, 10:30 a.m.-1 p.m., Intermediate 1 • Friday Feb. 28, 10 a.m.-1 p.m., Intermediate 2 • Friday Feb. 28, 10 a.m.-1 p.m., Advanced 1 • Saturday March 1, 10 a.m.-noon, New Beginners • Saturday March 1, 10 a.m.-noon, Beginner 1 • Saturday March 1, 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., Advanced 2 • Rufty’s Chrismon Shop, 280 Furniture Drive, 704-636-7790 for reservations/information, info@chrismons.com
Card making at the Y — • 1-3 p.m., March 3, 17 , 31 • 6-8 p.m. March 13, 27 • Make six cards /$10, J.F. Hurley Family YMCA, 828 W Jake Alexander Blvd., 704-636-0111.
Musical Theatre Academy to begin classes — Eight sessions begin March 3: Mocksville’s Broadway’s Best hosts classes for middle/high school students at the theatre in Davie County. Choose Acting for Musical Theatre, Chorus for Musical Theatre, Dance for Musical Theatre. Classes meet for 8 sessions, $175 for each class, no former training or experience required. Details, times dates, registration forms at BroadwaysBest@triad.rr.com or www.broadwaysbest.biz or 336-575-4446.
Get in shape mentally, physically & spiritually — Noon-12:50 p.m. Wednesdays: Bring your own mat or towel, water bottle, wear comfortable clothing, pay as you go. Discount for all 15 classes. Call Center for Faith & the Arts 704-647-0999. 207 W. Harrison St., lower level Haven Lutheran Church.
Beginner line dance class at Nashville Nights — 7:30-8:30 p.m. Tuesdays beginning Feb. 4, $3 per class. 704-762-9990.
Beginner line dance class at Rufty Holmes — 4:30-5:30 p.m., begins Feb. 13, Rufty Holmes Senior Center, 704-633-7862.
Ballet, tap, pointe, jazz, modern, hip hop, acrobatics — For ages 2-1/2 to 102, Steppin’ Out Dance Company. Stress free, fun, friendly environment. 704-637-1222, www.stepoutdance.com, steppinoutdance@carolina.rr.com
Free online courses through RPL — Learn4Life high-quality, noncredit online courses free with your library card. New sessions of six-week courses start monthly, with comprehensive lessons, quizzes, assignments, discussion. Enroll at www.rowanpubliclibrary.org and click Online Tools, or call 704-216-8243.
Spring classes at Waterworks — Register at www.waterworks.org or 704-636-1882. 123 E. Liberty St.
• Hand Building & Wheel Pottery, ages 12 to adult. Tuesdays 6:30-9 p.m. March 4, 11, 25, April 1, 8, 15. All skill levels. Instructor Brent Smith, tuition $150 (nonmembers $180)
• Fun with Printmaking, ages 12 to adult, Tuesdays 6:30-9 p.m. March 4, 11, 18, 25, April 1. This fun, creative, hands-on class. Instructor Anna Kenar, $150 (nonmembers $180)
‘Let’s Get Messy’ — 7-9 p.m., one evening pottery wheel class at Pottery 101, 101 S. Main St.; also make and decorate a pot. Ages 14-adult, most Wednesdays from 7 to 9 p.m. Available dates March 5, 12, 19, 26; April 2, 9, 16, 23. Cost $35, advance registration required. 704-209-1632, www.pottery-101.com or email pottery101nc@gmail.com
Classes at Pottery 101 — Pottery 101, 101 S. Main St., 704-209-1632, pottery101nc@gmail.com, www.pottery-101.com
CHILDREN’S clay classes: Saturdays: 10 a.m.-noon for ages: 6-14, $35 per class includes instruction, materials, firing. Instructor Jessica Buckwalter • Clovers Pot O’ Gold: March 1 • Hilarious Hoppy Easter Bunnies: March 22 • Carrot Candy Dishes: March 29 • Bring on the Sunshine!: April 12 • Spring Blue Birds: April 26
ADULT clay classes: Thursdays: 6:30-9 p.m. through March 6 • For beginning and intermediate skill levels, $200.00 + $10 lab fee, clay and glazes provided, instructor: Keith Meyers • Open studio, for students who are able to work independently. Must have completed at least two beginning/intermediate level classes. $50/month + clay ($30/25 lb. bag). Includes glazing and firing. Studio sessions begin 15th of each month, Tuesdays 10 a.m.-6 p.m. and 6:30-9 p.m., Saturdays 10 a.m.-4 p.m.
Free Bible lessons — 10:30 a.m.-noon, Saturdays March 8 and 22: Is the Bible scientifically accurate; what makes it unique; is it still practical for our day; what does it say about our future; what is its message; how can it help us with our family life; how can it help me find true happiness. These topics and more covered, bring your own Bible. Downstairs conference room of RPL Rockwell Branch (not sponsored by RPL).
Salisbury Art Station — 4-6 p.m. ongoing weekly classes: $25 per class. Tuesdays 4-6 p.m. for ages 5-7 • Wednesdays 4-6 p.m. for ages 7 and up • Thursdays 4-6 p.m. for ages 7 and up. 704-754-0853 or art.notions@yahoo.com 215 Depot Street, 704-754-0853
Beginning and intermediate weaving — Private lessons on a floor loom. Day or evening times. Liese Sadler, 215-300-4369, livethreadstudio@ gmail.com
Open knit at Tranqwool/Green Goat — TranqWool’s open Knit Night Thursdays 6-8 p.m. • Pilates by Karen on site • Sunday 1-6 p.m., Monday-Tuesday-Wednesday closed, Thursday- Friday-Saturday 8 a.m.-1 p.m. then 5-8 p.m. TranqWool Knitting Provisions, Green Goat Gallery, 516 S. Salisbury Ave., Spencer 704-431-4527, www.tranqwoolknittingprovisions.com
Zumba fitness — • 5:30 p.m., Mondays, Rufty-Holmes Senior Center, 704-216-7714 • 6:30 p.m. Tuesdays, First Baptist Church of Salisbury, old YMCA gym on Fulton St. • 6 p.m. Thursdays, $3 per person, St. Matthews Church Salisbury • J.F. Hurley Family YMCA’s aqua zumba, 10:15 a.m. and 6 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Painting with Patt — Adult oil painting classes, ongoing, pay as you go. 6 p.m. Tuesdays at Patt’s home studio in Salisbury. Call for info or to sign up. Class size limited to four. Patt Legg, 704-232-6000, 704-762-9647, www.pattlegg.com/
Mind aerobics art class — 2-4 p.m., Mondays and Fridays, taught by artist Robert Toth: An introduction to drawing, pastel and sculpture. $10 per two-hour session. Rufty Holmes Senior Center, call 704-279-9301.
Preserving Your Memories workshop, High Point — 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Saturday, March 8: A Primer on Recording Your Life Story Through Oral History and Artifact Preservation” at High Point Museum. Free but pre-register at ncroom@highpointnc.gov. The High Point Museum, 1859 E. Lexington Ave., www.highpointmuseum.org
Old Courthouse Theatre ‘Tintypes’ — 7-9 p.m., March 9 & 10 • Rated GG. Show datesMay 1-18. Ensemble cast needed: 3 women, 2 men. 49 Spring St. SW, Concord. 704-788-2405, See www.oldcourthousetheatre.org for details.
Monthly ‘Coffee Perks’ — 10 a.m. Thursday March 6: Educational seminar on aging gracefully through options in health care by Bethpage Presbyterian Church and Comfort Keepers, held at Bethpage Church, 6020 Mooresville Road, Kannapolis. Allison Dominguez, PA of Northeast Digestive Center speaks on Colon Cancer Awareness. Refreshments provided by Comfort Keepers; RSVP 704-640-5152, annmeasmer@comfortkeepers.com, or 704-630-0370, patricegordon@comfortkeepers.com
Helpful talk at the Y — 2:30 p.m.. Tuesday March 11: Dr. Terry Cassell on “Truth or Consequences,” free, call to register 704-636-0111. J.F. Hurley Family YMCA, 828 W Jake Alexander Blvd.
‘Girls on the Run’ — 6:30-7:30 p.m. Thursday, March 13 (rescheduled from February): Sponsored by American Association of University Women, Salisbury branch. Light refreshments, free. Held at J. F. Hurley YMCA, 828 Jake Alexander Blvd. W., check in at front desk. Kyndall Moore, kyndall.moore@gmail.com
Health talks — • 6 p.m. Monday March 17: What is Pelvic Health & Why You Should Talk to Your Doctor • Seminars held in Gateway Building, second floor conference room, 204 E. Innes St. Free, light refreshments, info or RSVP at 704-403-1042. Sponsored by Carolinas Health Care Systems.
Lunch and Learn — 12:15 p.m., Wednesday March 26: Comfort Keepers presents; covered dish, free, sign up to bring food 704-636-0111. Public welcome. lklaver@rowanymca.com. J.F. Hurley Family YMCA, 828 W Jake Alexander Blvd.
Center for the Environment — 6:30 p.m. April 22: Marchisa C. Weiss, M.D. founder, president Breastcancer.org, speaks on Think Pink, Live Green; Reducing the Environmental Risks of Breast Cancer at the Center for the Environment. Free, open to the public, Center for the Environment, 2300 W. Innes St. at Catawba College. Register at 704-637-4727 or centerforenv@catawba.edu
Center for Faith & the Arts, 207 W. Harrison St. — A retrospective of James Donaldson’s work titled “Journey of an Artist” Works from 1970-2013. Lower level of Haven Lutheran Church.
‘Memories from the Killing Fields’ — Exhibit by Rowan Public Library and Rowan-Cabarrus Community College, at RPL, 201 W. Fisher St., free. 704-216-8232, www.rowanpubliclibrary.org
Miniature show by The Green Goat Gallery, 516 S. Salisbury Ave. — Through March 9: “The Magnified Heart, Valentine’s Day Miniature Show,” Jenni 704-431-4527 or greengoatgallery@yahoo.com
Rail Walk Studios and Gallery, 409 N. Lee St. — Through March 29: “Art From the Heart” solo exhibit of Elizabeth McAdams’s work, including black and white photographs of grand old houses with elegant details and paintings and photographs of color exploration presented in exciting ways. Free, open to the public. Thursday, Friday, Saturday 11 a.m.-4 p.m. or by appointment, Historic Salisbury’s Rail Walk Arts District. 704-431-8964, www.railwalkgallery.com
Waterworks Visual Arts Center, 123 E. Liberty St. — • Friday, March 7: Opening Reception for new spring exhibition, “Relationships – The Art of the Human Condition and its Effects on the Environment,” come early and enjoy informal gallery talks with exhibiting artists beginning at 5 p.m.; the reception is 6-8 p.m. Light refreshments, free and open to the public • Rotating exhibit “Celebrating Rowan County’s Young Artists.” Free and open to the public. 123 E. Liberty Street, www.waterworks.org, 704-636-1882. Gallery hours Monday- Wednesday- Friday 10 a.m.-5 p.m., Tuesday-Thursday 10 a.m.-7 p.m., Saturday 11 a.m.-3 p.m. 704-636-1882, www.waterworks.org
Iredell Museums presents — 7 p.m. Tuesday March 4: Arts After Dark program with sculptor and painter Allison Luce. Admission $5 adults, $3 ages 6-17. Court Street Gallery, 134 Court St. downtown Statesville, 704-873-4734, www.iredellmuseums.org
The Galleries, 65 Union S. St., Concord — “Human Nature,” through March 13: artwork by 13 contemporary Southern artists. Free, 704-920-2787, www.CabarrusArtsCouncil.org
The Cabarrus Art Guild — Through March 8: Concord on Canvas Outdoor Art, 34 original paintings created by professional artists, high school students. On display along Union and Church Streets, Historic Downtown Concord.
Piedmont Singles — 6:15 p.m. Fridays . • 1908 Statesville Blvd., Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, no joining fee, donations appreciated, covered dish.
New Beginnings Singles Club of Lake Norman — 6:30 p.m. third Thursdays: social group of singles over 50, Captain’s Galley Restaurant in Mooresville. Visitors welcome. 704-677-2331.
‘Preservation, Architecture & Design in Havana Today’ — April 27-May 3, 2014: Preservation North Carolina’s exclusive program to Cuba, co-sponsored by Historic Salisbury Foundation; includes hotels in Miami and Havana; airport transfers; flights between Miami and Havana; private air-conditioned coach and local guide throughout; meals as indicated; all gratuities and complete program/seminars as described. Refer to Reservation & Guest Information Form for complete details: www.presnc.org/component/option,com_jcalpro/Itemid,183/extid,946/extmode,view/ or Mary Frances Wilson at mfwilson@presnc.org or 919-832-3652, extension 224.
Trip to D.C. aboard the ‘Cherry Blossom Special’ — March 21-23: NC Transportation Museum’s 3-day/2-night scenic excursion aboard vintage rail cars, the St. Augustine and Powhatan Arrow. $595 each for single occupancy and $480 each for double occupancy. www.nctrans.org
Spring trip to Amish Country — May 7-9: Davie County Senior Services trip to Lancaster, Pa. includes tours, meals at Amish restaurants, visit with an Amish teacher, “Moses” at the Sight and Sound Theater, “Jacob’s Choice” show, Wilbur Chocolate Candy Store and Museum, accommodateions at Western Revere Inn, motor coach travel. 336-753-6230.
YMCA sponsored trips —• 9 a.m. March 18: Concord Mills Aquarium, see Aquarium then shop $27 per person • 9 a.m. April 8: Biltmore House and Gardens $68 includes ticket, transportation • May 6-9: Beach Cove Resort trip • May 6-9: Beach Cove Resort Trip • Broadway show trips, must sign up to reserve orchestra seating: March 4 “Evita;” Aug. 20 “Gershwin’s Porgy and Bess” • Questions, reservations: Louise Klaver, Active Older Adult Director, 704-636-0111, lklaver@rowanymca.com, www.rowanymca.org • Buses leave from J.F. Hurley Family YMCA, 828 W Jake Alexander Blvd.
‘Elizabeth Lawrence: the Legacy of an Extraordinary Plantswoman’ — 7 p.m. Monday March 10: Hurley Park presents lecture by Andrea Sprott, the Elizabeth Lawrence House and Garden Curator. A plant giveaway will follow the lecture. Held at Salisbury-Rowan Utilities, 1 Water St. Details at 704-638-4459 or email dbeck@salisburync.gov
Community Day at West End Plaza — 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday March 8: Community day for non-profit organizations to display and sell. West End Plaza, formerly Salisbury Mall. Deadline for form Wednesday, March 5. Call 704-216-8137 or 704-216-8136, first-come firs-served placement on spaces, provide your own tables, chairs. Power is free upon request, you provide 10′ extension cord.
Statesville area Bark For Life event — 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Saturday, April 12: To participate as a sponsor, vendor, and/or registrant, complete applicable forms found at www.relayforlife.org/barkstatesvillenc
Kaleidoscope Cultural Arts Festival — 12 p.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, April 26: Free festival that lets artists and performers set up for free. Open to all forms of family friendly arts, culture, performances. Downtown Kannapolis. To register for free to be artist, vendor, performer e-mail info@kannapolisarts.com
Iredell Garden Fair — April 26: Vendor applications for ground spaces accepted. 444 Bristol Drive, Statesville. Vendor inquiries: Lee Hollifield, 704-252-0368. Other information: Iredell Cooperative Ext. Service, 704-878-3166.Second annual May Fest — May 14-18: Exhibitor, food vendors needed. Exhibitor inside booths $100. Food vendors outside booths $300. Craft show Saturday, May 17, Craft booths outside 10×10 – $30, 10×15 – $45, 10×20 – $75. Vendor application online at rowancountyfair.net or Rowan County Fair Office on Julian Road.
New season for Concert Choir — All singers invited to join; Concert Choir will be singing Carmina Burana with the Salisbury Symphony; also Spring concert “Bach and the Boys” with Bach choral selections, music of his contemporaries, and from Bach’s “famous son” PCQ Bach we will sing “the Seasonings.” Practices at St. John Lutheran’s choir room. For info email catilieth@gmail.com
Salisbury Symphony needs voices — 7:30 p.m. Saturday March 22: Salisbury Symphony Orchestra performs Carol Orff’s Carmina Burana, Catawba’s Keppel Auditorium. Sing with Catawba College Singers, Livingstone College Concert Choir, Concert Choir of Salisbury, Salisbury-Rowan Choral Society, Wake Forest University Concert Choir, Winston-Salem Children’s Chorus. Additional voices invited. Concert Choir of Salisbury rehearses Monday nights, Salisbury-Rowan Choral Society rehearses Tuesday nights. email matthew.newton87@gmail.com or call 919-812-0742.
Kaleidoscope Cultural Arts Festival — 12 p.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, April 26: Free festival that lets artists and performers set up for free. Open to all forms of family friendly arts, culture, performances. Downtown Kannapolis. To register for free to be an artist vendor or performer e-mail info@kannapolisarts.com
Rowan’s Got Talent contest — May 14-18: Held at the Rowan County Mat Fest. Deadline for entry April 15. Any talent accepted with the exception of bands. $500 first prize. To enter call Randall Barger at 704-640-2326. Talent show preliminaries May 14-16 with finals on May 17.
Gold Hill Bluegrass jam — Bluegrass jam for all acoustic musicians. Admission by donation. E.H. Montgomery General Store, Gold Hill. Every Friday night 7-9 p.m., 704-267-9439. www.themontgomerystore.com
Annual Concord Spring into Arts Festival — March 3/April 15 deadlines for May 3 event: opportunity for artists to get their work seen and sold. Juried art show includes prizes of $500, $300, $200. Interested artists find information/application at www.concorddowntown.com under Events or call 704-784-4208.
29th annual Caldwell Arts Sculpture Celebration — 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Saturday, Sept. 6: Lenoir’s annual event features sculptural artwork by artists competing for $10,000+. Registration open to any 3-D artist up to the day of the event; may present up to three sculptures. Cost to register the day of is $80; discounts for early registration. Details at www.caldwellarts.com