Letters to the editor — Monday (2-3-2014)
Published 12:00 am Monday, February 3, 2014
The divisive rhetoric emanating from political hopefuls and pundits alike is fast becoming our nation’s way of life. Destroying your opponent’s reputation, by any means, is now par for the course. Professional spinners of the truth, from both sides of the aisle, now dominate our elections. Their creed is simple: Say anything, do anything, get elected.
Let me inject a thought: Why is it that color, politics or religion are nonexistent in the heat of battle? The color or creed of that guy next to you — white, black, brown, yellow, Democrat, Republican, Morman etc. — has no relevance: That guy has only one title: He is your brother. No spin, no lies, only the absolute unquestionable faith that he WILL cover your back. Maybe I’m getting old, but I miss the greatest generation. I especially miss when it was fashionable to be patriotic.
— Philip DeBenedictis
During the recent extremely cold weather, the clothes closet at North Rowan Elementary was quickly depleted of warm coats, hats, gloves, etc. A request to my former city of Salisbury co-workers was answered within hours, not days. Thank you all for collecting and donating five large bags of clothing for a very needy cause. Your kindness did not go unnoticed.
— Edith Julian