Letters to the editor — Friday (1-31-2014)
Published 12:00 am Thursday, January 30, 2014
Generosity shows
in 23,000 boxes
I’m writing to thank Salisbury area residents for their generosity in helping thousands of suffering children worldwide this Christmas. Through their efforts, we were able to collect more than 23,000 shoeboxes — filled with toys, school supplies and hygiene items — for Operation Christmas Child, the world’s largest Christmas project of its kind. These simple, gift-filled shoeboxes communicate to needy children that they are loved and not forgotten.
Although drop-off locations in the Salisbury area are closed until November 2014, shoebox gifts can be packed any time. Gifts are received year-round at Samaritan’s Purse (801 Bamboo Road, Boone, N.C., 28607) or through the project’s online tool, where donors can virtually build a box. To get involved, visit samaritanspurse.org or call 704-583-1463.
Thanks again to everyone who participated in this project. A simple gift, packed with love, can communicate hope and transform the lives of children worldwide.
— Chris Ramsey
Ramsey is the director of the Carolinas region for Operation Christmas Child.
Sanctity of life
January 2014 marked 41 years since the Supreme Court decision of Roe vs. Wade, which allowed abortion to be legalized in the United States. We continue to pray for all our leaders and our country that the truth and awareness of the horror of abortion will echo among all people.
The truth on the issue of the sanctity of every human life is that every life from conception to natural death is sacred.
Do we not see in our society that we are violating God our creator’s property because each of us is created in his image and likeness? Why is it so hard for us to understand that abortion is a horrific act?
To be “pro-choice” should be about making the right choice and being responsible and educated on the truth that every life is precious.
Technology today confirms that life starts in the womb. The safest place for a baby should be in the womb and the best place for a child to be raised is in a family, but both are under attack.
Since the ruling in 1973, more than 56 million preborn babies have lost their lives to abortion.
In North Carolina, 24,439 preborn babies were aborted last year alone. Every 23 seconds, a pregnancy is terminated in the USA.
The three most common reasons given by women for having an abortion are (1) inconvenience (2) financial and (3) having problems with husband or partner.
Less than 5 percent of abortions are done because of rape, incest or health of the mother.
We must be persistent, visible and must stand firm in speaking for the culture of life instead of the culture of death that is so evident in our government and our country.
— Barbara Causey Franklin