Presidential press corps lacks focus
Published 12:00 am Monday, December 30, 2013
On one side of the podium stood the leader of the free world. On the other side, the presumably elite representatives of the world’s freest press, with a world of facts at their fingertips.
And between them, as always, a host of crises, controversies, misstatements and mistakes were demanding their rightful place in democracy’s spotlight — right now! This was, after all, the latest exercise of that infrequent democratic institution known as the presidential press conference. ‘Twas the Friday before Christmas, and all through the press room that Richard Nixon built atop of what once was the pool where JFK used to swim famously al fresco, a roomful of journalists was interrogating President Barack Obama with all the intensity and incisiveness that has made the White House press corps what it is today.
“… Has this been the worst year of your presidency?” “… What do you think has been your biggest mistake?” “If I may just quickly, on a more personal note, what is your New Year’s resolution?” For when it comes to pithy parody and satire, television’s late night comedy writers can’t match the comedic touch and timing of the Obama era presidential press conference.
We have been witnessing the decline and fall of the presidential press conference as an institution of democracy and governance. As one who covered presidents in years past, I know our professionalism runs in cycles, much like that of the politicians we cover. And now we journalists are failing in our mission of seeking to put a president on the record about just what is happening and why it is happening.
So today let’s propose one bold 2014 New Year’s Resolution — a resolution specially tailored for the president and the White House press corps. Let 2014 be the year when those two erstwhile adversaries separately rethink and restore the professionalism that has been missing in their press conference performances.
First, both sides must recognize where they have jointly gone wrong. The president and press corps can start by reading past press conference transcripts. They will discover that on both sides of the podium, the press and the president have been wandering around before getting to the point. Also, reporters on the White House beat seem to have forgotten what they knew before they arrived at this elite White House beat: the best way to get a productive answer is to ask a concise, well-researched question that sticks to just one subject.
Rambling, multi-part questions abound. It is the journalistic equivalent of handing the president a baseball and fungo bat and telling him to just hit it anywhere he wants. At the last press conference, one respected journalist actually asked what pretended to be a two-part question — but it began with Obama’s false healthcare promise that people can keep their policies and doctors if they like them, and then went on to ask about Iran sanctions.
But the president needed to be pinned down on his healthcare program’s failures. Reporters only needed to ask him about recent front page news. Example: A Washington Post report about a fellow named John Gisler. He couldn’t get continued coverage for his critically ill son under Obama’s healthcare program after his policy was ended due to the program. Reporters could have asked: Why did your administration permit this to happen to Mr. Gisler’s son and thousands of others with a similar problem? What can you do to fix their problems?
Or: The page one coverage of middle class citizens that found their income is just above the cutoff for federal healthcare subsidies for lower income citizens — so Obama’s Affordable Care Act now requires them to pay 50 percent more for healthcare insurance than they used to pay. Is that the way Obama wanted his program to work?
Our job as reporters is to make sure public officials are held accountable for their deeds and misdeeds. Whether at city hall, or the county zoning board, or the White House, our job is the same.
When we do it right, by focusing on facts and not our performing art, press conferences become important institutions of our democracy.
Martin Schram is a veteran Washington journalist and author.