Here’s your chance to spread love of reading
Published 12:00 am Sunday, December 22, 2013
A half million free paperbacks will be handed out across America all on one day — April 23 — by enlisting 25,000 volunteer book lovers to promote reading by personally giving specially printed books to light or non-readers and to those without the means or access to them.
How can you get involved? The idea is for book-loving volunteers to fan out across America on April 23 and give out 20 free copies of a book at a location in your community — and you just might change someone’s life in the process.
You can volunteer to be a book giver by signing up through Jan. 5 at
Rowan Public Library is helping to promote this project, and we want your help. Please support the project by volunteering to be a book giver and give a book to a stranger or to people you might know but who may not be avid readers.
You can go to a coffee shop or hospital, church or community center, an after-work party, shopping mall or local school or anywhere — and give out 20 free paperbacks. These paperbacks will be specially-produced, not-for-resale World Book Night U.S. editions, and there are more than 30 titles for you to choose from including “The Dog Stars,” “Code Name Verity,” and “Wild.”
You will be notified in February if you have been chosen to be a book giver and which of the three books you will be given to hand out. You will then choose which local bookstore or library you’d like to pick up your box of books in advance of World Book Night. Rowan Public Library has been chosen as one of the pick-up locations.
If you have questions about the project, check out the website at or contact the library at 704-216-8240. If you’d like to give away books on April 23, be sure to sign up by Jan. 5 at, or visit any library location to get help signing up online.