Quotes of the week

Published 12:00 am Friday, December 20, 2013

“He changes lives. He recognizes potential in students, He makes them stars.” — Kelly Withers, Carson High principal, describing regional teacher of the year Alex Reynolds

“This is a transformation, a paradigm shift in the way we do business at Livingstone.” — Dr. Jimmy R. Jenkins, Livingstone College president, announcing college’s urban farm project

“As far as the county goes, yeah, we bought the mall today.” — Gary Page, county manager, on closing purchase of Salisbury Mall

“People that are the socialist elitists that want to make people dependent on government are criticizing me for telling the truth.” — State Sen. Bob Rucho, Defending his controversial tweet about the Affordable Care Act

“We would not agree to tattoo people who are inebriated.” — Johanna Jones, tattoo studio co-owner, seeking city OK to serve beer to customers