Published 12:00 am Thursday, December 12, 2013
We have been reading many letters and articles concerning the Rowan County commissioners and their determination to purchase the Salisbury Mall property. Not everyone thinks that they are making a mistake in purchasing the mall. Everyone that we have talked with concerning this matter believes it to be a smart choice that will benefit Rowan County citizens.
Special thanks to Commissioners Jim Sides and Craig Pierce for standing firm for what they believe is best for all tax-paying citizens. We have paid county taxes for years, and we do understand why taxes are necessary.
Also, thanks to Commissioners Chad Mitchell and Mike Caskey for their support. A special thanks to Ralph Baker for his intelligent letter to the editor in favor of the purchase of the mall property. When reading his article, it was very evident that he really put a lot of thought into all the concerns regarding the purchase. Thanks again to all of the above.
— Wayne and Diane Christie
So the county bought the old mall.
Rather than moving the downtown county offices into it, here are a few ideas that would help the people of Rowan County. Make a one-stop, small-business center that will house lenders and business license offices so that a person could get a business up and running in one trip, or work with Rowan-Cabarrus Community College and offer vocational classes for the unemployed, or offer a permanent free medical and dental clinic for children, or a county food bank.
— Richard Morgan
Instead of taking away from the existing businesses in Salisbury, think of other things that can be done — like putting in a Target or Walmart-type store that would provide a lot of jobs for people who could really use one now.
You could put a Monkey Joe’s play center out there where parents could take their kids on weekends and let them run and play and burn up all their excess energy.
County offices don’t belong out there. Use it for something that will bring in money.
There also needs to be a beauty salon out there.
— Howard Doby Jr.
“We, the people” are on the verge of losing our Republic; and enlisting a government ‘prohibited’ by our Founding Fathers in our Constitution.
The Democrat Party did not hesitate to change Senate ‘rules’ for pushing their agenda through; ‘rules’ that have been ‘unbendable’ for over 230 years.
Senate Democrats said they used this ‘rule’ change to force and approve President Obama’s Federal Judicial nominees; however, the true purpose appears to be the transfer and consolidation of powers to the Presidency; a Presidency whose apparent underlying objective is to ‘transform’ the USA into an isolationist, ‘Socialist/Communist’ society. (Google “Communists suing the Democrat party for stealing their platform”)
We continue to see the Capitol Hill Democrats, ignoring our Constitution, and intent on remolding our government into a Democrat Party ‘image’ with no considerations constrained by Constitutional Law.
Are we witnessing the Democrat party ‘transform’ us into a ‘Democrat Party State’; a ‘Democrat Party State’ issuing law by decree and stripping away our protections under the Constitution. This can happen. Take a hard look, equally, at how the Nazi Party rose to power during the 1930’s.
Without adherence to the Constitution, the danger is real. This may happen to the USA. If we love our Country, we must regain control. Democrats can no longer be blindly loyal to the Democrat Party leadership. We have to hold our Democrat Party accountable for its illegal, unethical, and immoral actions; then, replace those whom power has corrupted absolutely.
— Oscar Y. Harward