Cleveland Lions Brunswick stew sale Saturday

Published 12:00 am Thursday, October 31, 2013

Shorter days and cooler weather: It’s time for Brunswick stew. The Cleveland Lions Club Brunswick Stew is this Saturday, Nov. 2, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. (or until they run out).
The Brunswick stew has been a tradition of the Cleveland Lions Club for more than 40 years. The Brunswick stew is a fundraiser that Cleveland Lions use to help the hearing and visually impaired in Cleveland and the surrounding community. From the humble beginnings of one pot cooked over an open fire to the current operation, the event has been a time for community fellowship and good food.
The stew’s contents (chicken, beef, pork, potatoes, onions, crushed tomatoes and other vegetables) are slow-cooked into a hearty stew that warms the body and feeds the soul. As well as an opportunity for a hot lunch on Saturday, it’s an opportunity to stock up the freezer for hot meals during the upcoming winter days.
This year, the cost for dining in will be $5 per person and $7 per quart for take-out. Dine in includes crackers, desert and beverage. Buy larger quantities and save: one-half gallon, $12; and one gallon, $20, (packaged in quart freezer bags). Signs will point the way in from Highway 70 at the Cleveland Fire Department at School Street. For more information, contact President Liz Steele, 704-278-2252.