Published 12:00 am Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Our country cannot continue on the same track we are currently on and survive, at least as we know it today.
The debt will soon be more than what we take it in. The workers who pay taxes are now outnumbered by those who don’t work to contribute “their fair share.” Nearly half of Americans pay no income tax — and still receive money from the government. Entitlement programs continue to grow. The billions of dollars spent for President Johnson’s war on poverty have not achieved their goal. In fact, poverty rates are worse now than then.
Congress keeps kicking the can down the road on the debt ceiling — which is the same as increasing the amount of credit your creditor will give you on your credit card. But payday does come — and when you can’t pay back who you owe, what happens then?
Personal responsibility — the thought that “it is my job to take care of me, not the government” is no longer the mind-set of more and more Americans. We won’t control our borders, so we have no idea who is in the country. This alone is enough to bring about the fall of America. I can’t help but wonder how those immigrants who paid the price to follow the law and legally enter this country must feel when they see so many illegals bypassing the proper process. What other countries have such porous borders and give the benefits we do to those who come illegally?
The hand-writing is on the wall. It makes me sad to see all of this happening before my very eyes as we race to become another socialistic society. The integrity of elected officials is at an all time low — which is only reflective of those who sent them there in the first place. Even worse is the moral failure that most Americans now embrace as normal. I have personally witnessed this rapid downward track occur in my short lifetime. It is still true that “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord.” In not too many years to come, it will be said of the U.S.A. just as it was of King Saul, “How the mighty have fallen.”
— Renee Coates Scheidt
China Grove
I would like to speak out on the bullying that has led to the deaths of young students. My heart goes out to them, especially to the families.
When I was a baby, I fell off the bed and hit my head. As a result of the fall, I sustained a brain injury that caused me to have a learning disability. I was labeled as retarded, picked on and made fun of, but I never thought of harming myself. Things like this can leave lasting scars on you that sometimes are hard to heal.
— Joanne McKinney
Growing up in Kannapolis, I have been fortunate to meet and develop many friendships throughout my life. From attending Jackson Park Elementary to graduation day at Catawba College, I was able to learn many things about our community, while most importantly, getting to learn our fellow citizens even more. One of those citizens that I want you to know just the same is Doug Wilson, who is running for Kannapolis City Council.
Doug has been an enduring and supportive resident of Kannapolis his entire life as well. After graduating from A.L. Brown and returning to his hometown after college, Doug has been an avid supporter of Kannapolis’ long standing traditions of community spirit and community pride. Doug has always realized the asset that we have here in Kannapolis and that asset is the Kannapolis City School System. He was president for many years of the Kannapolis Booster Club, in addition to serving as a high school basketball coach, serving as chairman of the Kannapolis Parks and Recreation Committee, as well as operating his business from Kannapolis. This speaks volumes about his commitment to our school system, our city and our residents.
Always wanting to build upon our proud traditions and strengthen those traditions, Doug will be an avid supporter of all things Kannapolis, while working towards building a Kannapolis that encourages our youth to return to Kannapolis to raise their families, just as he proudly did. When Doug decided to run for city council this year, I was very thankful and excited that I may get to work with Doug as a fellow city council member, with the goal of working for the best for all Kannapolis citizens at the top of our list.
I ask that you join me in supporting Doug Wilson for Kannapolis City Council.
— Ryan G. Dayvault
Dayvault serves on the Kannapolis City Council.
As a Landis resident I feel it is time we start cleaning house, beginning with the upcoming election and continuing until we have a completely new board.
Many of you may or may not be aware that I was told by Detective Roger Hosey to leave the grounds of Landis’ Town Hall back on May 1 while an executive session was going on inside the council chambers.
I had every right to be there. Mayor Furr told a Salisbury Post reporter “he believed Cherry was shooting video of the proceedings from outside. She had the video camera looking into the monitor pointed straight at me.” As I told the Post’s reporter, “I was not” shooting video of that meeting’s proceedings. One thing about that no one has asked to look at the video to verify if I “actually was” videotaping that meeting from outside. Just in case you’re thinking, well, she could have erased the video, nothing videotaped that day has been deleted from the camcorder.
This is just an example of the way residents are treated by current Landis board members and the mayor.
There are other things I would like to let town residents know but am limited to 300 words. My phone number is in the book if you are interested in calling.
Dorland Abernathy will be an excellent alderman. I have known Dorland for a very long time and know he will do an outstanding job for the citizens of Landis. We both attend the same church.
Tony Corriher is also running for alderman. He has been on the board before and has the experience.
When I vote next week my votes will be for Mr. Abernathy and Mr. Corriher.
— Nadine Cherry
Letters endorsing candidates in the Nov. 5 municipal elections must be received in the Salisbury Post newsroom by 5 p.m. today.