Community shows its colors in ‘teal’ support
Published 12:00 am Monday, September 9, 2013
For those of you who have seen the trees “tealed” in the town center of Salisbury and the surrounding area … it was not me, it was a team effort. I can’t possibly list every person who participated in this campaign. I would definitely forget someone, but let me try.
Without the support of the people in Salisbury, the city of Salisbury, Salisbury-Rowan County Convention and Visitors Bureau and Mayor Paul Woodson, we could not have done this project. I am amazed at the overwhelming way Salisbury has come together to make this project a success.
People donated their time and money to help us buy supplies. To them, I thank you, for without you this project would not have been as huge as it is! All the volunteers worked hard to get donations, either through our mini bake sale, friends/family members donating to help the cause or by selling some teal jewelry. For each donation, we thank you so much.
We have had businesses that have been phenomenal and allowed us to share symptom cards/posters/ribbons, etc. Without the help of Salisbury businesses this project would not work. They play an integral part by handing out symptom cards and help us spread the word about the early signs and symptoms of ovarian cancer. Please visit downtown Salisbury, as it is a beautiful place and the stores are awesome! If you see a poster or a ribbon, tell them thank you! We also have businesses all around Rowan County that have allowed us to “Teal” them, and I can’t thank each of them enough.
To the Salisbury Post and Hugh Fisher for a beautifully written piece about our Turn The Towns Teal project, thank you. Getting information out about the early signs and symptoms of ovarian cancer out is our main objective.
I would also like to thank the organization that makes this all possible. Turn The Towns Teal, Inc. is a non-profit organization that does a tremendous job. Their No. 1 goal is to make women aware, not to make money, and they need all of our help to do just that. When you consider helping us on the local level by helping us buy supplies, also consider helping the organization, as that helps us in the long run!
To the families who have been touched by ovarian cancer, thank you for your fight, courage and inspiration. We hold you all in our hearts and prayers. To Mary Willis Page and Linda Jones, you ladies rocked this disease and told it who was boss. To our dear Lybby Brown, if heaven is what I hope it is you are all wearing teal and thank you for walking with us in Spirit. To Wayne Brown, Lauren and Gilbert … you know you have my heart! We do this for you all, in your honor and memory!
Finally, we had people who took their time to come out and “teal” trees, talk to businesses and give out symptom cards/posters/ribbons. We had folks who did a lot of the prep work to make the “tealing” go as smoothly as possible. To all of you, I thank you!
For each person that played a part in Turn The Towns Teal in Salisbury, … you all rock!
We are just beginning. This campaign goes throughout September. If you want to participate, it is not too late. Let’s make sure Salisbury is teal for a month!
If you want more information, please visit the website or email me at
Diane Coates Peoples organized the recent “Turn the Towns Teal” event in Salisbury, part of a national campaign to promote better awareness of ovarian cancer:
“My Turn” submissions should be between 500 and 700 words. Send to with “My Turn” in the subject line. Include name, address, phone number and a digital photo of yourself if possible.