Published 12:00 am Wednesday, June 12, 2013

As you may know, the feds in Washington (specifically, the National Security Agency) are monitoring your phone calls, emails and anything else where they can obtain info about you. They claim they are doing this for your protection. I’m not so sure.
While claiming to be looking for terrorists, they may actually be targeting certain folks for all kinds of nasty reasons, just as the IRS targeted various groups or people for audits, or unreasonably delayed requests for 401-C3 or C4 status. So, to minimize exposure that could single you out for a life of governmental harassment, or end up in a private penthouse apartment at the Guantanamo Camp Inn on the sandy shores of Cuba, I suggest avoiding the following words or phrases in your e-mails or phone calls:
Tea party, Pledge of Allegiance, prayer, gun rights, terrorist, terrorism, Chinese ham, conservative, God, confederate, Muslim, Islam, Iran, anti-liberal, anti-union, libertarian, freedom, constitution, Bill of Rights, communism, anarchy, Marxist, teenager, pothead, red states, blue states, de-annexation of airports, Republican or Democrat, voter ID, independent, sneakers (say running shoes instead), Christianity, NRA, secede from the union, secret, profiting, contributing, oil pipeline, Fox News, vets’ rights, corrupt politician, petition, privacy, American flag, tax cut, political correctness, church, illegal alien, Taliban, al-Qaeda, marriage between man and woman, happiness, equal pay, legalizing marijuana, free speech, posting the 10 Commandments or even mentioning them in e-mails.
Now that this cat (the monitoring) is out of the bag, I wonder what revelation we’ll learn of next designed to take away our rights. Hacking into our bank accounts? Opening our mail? Searching our homes without warrants? Is this what you want?
Are you willing to give up your rights and freedoms to our government that says it’s for your protection? If so, then you’ve already lost what millions of our citizens died to prevent. For the sake of our children and grandchildren, don’t let this continue. Know who you vote for and make certain they will give our freedoms back.
— Donald Schumacher
