Another week of bridge

Published 12:00 am Sunday, February 24, 2013

Last Friday at the Evergreen game under the guidance of Dick Brisbin, the winners were: N/S First, Wayne Pegram/Joe O’Brien; second, Pat Macon/Judy Gealy; third, Gloria Bryant/Betsy Bare. E/W winners: First, BettyBonner Steele/Stella Shadroui; second, Dick Brisbin/Pat Featherston; third, Harold and Carol Winecoff.
On Tuesday at the Women’s Club with the Winecoffs as directors, the winners were: First, Harold and Carol Winecoff; second, Marie Pugh and Dick Brisbin; third, Becky Creekmore and Loyd Hill.
This week’s hand was played at the Evergreen game on Feb. 8. The best N/S score was made by the Brisbin/Goff pair. They defeated their opponent’s 4Hs contract one trick, while the best E/W score was made when the Shadroui/Steele pair bid 4S making 5.
Please forgive this abbreviated article. The author was away when deadline approached and had no time to write a usual one. Thanks to my substitutes.

N/S vulnerable N dealer


S 8 2
H 9 8

D A Q J 9 2

C 8 5 4 2

West East

S Q 9 6 5 4 3 S A K
H T H A K Q 7 5

D T 3 D 6 5 4
C A J 9 6 C T 7 3


S J T 7
H J 6 4 3 2

D K 7 8


Mark your calendars for the Dogwood Tournament to be held at Rufty-Holmes Senior Center the weekend of March 22 through 24. Play only one or play all sessions. More info to come.