Letters to the editor – Saturday (11-24-2012)

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Regarding Donald C. Tracy’s Nov. 21 letter:
After reading Mr. Tracy’s response to Dr. Fisher, I imagine that the easiest thing for me to do as a Republican is to go ahead and switch to the Democratic Party. The Tea Party represents many Americans who oppose the poor fiscal management of government, regardless of which party does it. I image that that is a message that resonates with a lot of Democrats. The evangelical right of which I am a member is not trying to mix politics and religion. We believe that it is wrong to murder an unborn child. And no matter how you twist the definition, marriage is an union between one man and one woman. It has always been and will always be. Those are moral issues. People who hold those beliefs have the same rights an anyone else to make them heard in the arena of public opinion.
As for blaming President Bush for the current state of the economy, I come with an opinion based on perspective. The media loves Obama as it does everything Democrats do. If a Republican had been in office the economic news would have had a much different spin. Even when Bush was running, unemployment under 5 percent. The nation was standing at the edge of the cliff. They will be blaming Bush for the economy in 2016 when unemployment is still high and the national debt is at $20 trillion. Obama promised on Feb. 23, 2009, to cut the deficit in half by the end of his first term. If this was a Republican president the media would have been trashing him daily.
Even though the country by a slim margin gave Obama a second term, we Republicans should still hold fast to our principles.
– Bradford C. Garrigues Sr.
Throughout this year you have witnessed countless stories about Rowan County United Way agencies and how they use your gifts to provide valuable and needed resources to our neighbors in need. Rowan County United Way agencies helped more than 72,000 individuals and families in 2011 alone – that’s over half of our population! Many of you understand the power behind your gift, that in giving, you receive so much more in return.
Our Rowan County United Way needs your help in meeting our “Life is Worth Giving” campaign goal for 2012. With one in four of Rowan County residents living at or below the poverty line, the need is greater than ever to take care of our own here in Rowan. To date, we are at 94 percent of our $1,785,763 goal. Your gift will ensure continued programs and services to those in need. United Way supports 16 agencies in Rowan County that help the youngest to the oldest. There is absolutely no better way to help so many people in so many ways right here at home than by giving to Rowan County United Way. You may make a pledge through your workplace campaign or you may give directly to the United Way. It’s not too late to make a positive difference in someone’s life here in Rowan, and in turn, your life will be blessed beyond comparison.
I am so thankful to be from Rowan County and have chosen to raise our family here. I have always been proud of how we “take care of our own” here in Rowan and I know this power of giving will rise to the top as we enter our last days of campaign. Join me and thousands of your neighbors in making your Life Worth Giving to Rowan County United Way.
-Denise Hallett
Denise Hallett is the 2012 campaign chair for the Rowan County United Way.