Town crier, Oct. 15-21
Published 12:00 am Monday, October 15, 2012
Today, Oct. 15
Author Tamela Rich at Literary Bookpost, discussing Life Lessons From Friends Who Faced Cancer, 6 p.m.
Rowan County Board of Commissioners, 6 p.m., 130 W. Innes St.
Cabarrus County Board of Commissioners, 6:30 p.m., Cabarrus County Governmental Center, 65 Church St., SE, Concord.
Harold B. Jarrett American Legion, dinner 7 p.m., meeting following the meal.
The Spencer Historic Preservation Commission, 7 p.m., Town Hall.
PPT box office opens for ‘The Color Purple’ 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Meroney Theater, 213 S. Main St., adults $15, seniors/students $12. 704-633-5471,
Enter now: the 2012 Gene Auten golf tournament, Sunday, Oct. 21, Corbin Hills Golf Club, proceeds go to Harold B. Jarrett American Legion 342 service projects. 704-633-5775,
Tuesday, Oct. 16
Seminar on Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes by nurse practitioner with CMC-NE Endocrinology, 10-11:30 a.m., Trinity Lutheran Church, Landis, 704-857-2441.
Salisbury Community Development Corporation forum on mortgage assistance, 10:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m., Rowan Public Library, 201 W. Fisher St., counselors available to answer questions, brief presentations at noon and 1 p.m., lunch provided.
Salisbury City Council, 4 p.m., City Hall, 217 S. Main St.
Rowan Tea Party Patriots host candidates for RSSS Board of Education and Commissioners race, Statesville Blvd. Blue Bay Seafood Restaurant. Dinner 6 p.m., program at 7. Q&A afterward, time permitting.
Cannon Memorial Lodge No. 626 A.F.&A.M. Stated Communication, 7 p.m., dinner 6 p.m., Kannapolis Masonic Center located, 704 S. Main St., Kannapolis.
VFW Post 9131, 6:30 p.m., 1433 Old Wilkesboro Road, Commander Hercules Shannon 704-798-2032.
American Legion, Faith Post 327, 7 p.m., Commander Kevin Cauble, 704-279-1430.
Meet Your Neighbor Forum, 7-8:30 p.m., Livingstone Tubman Little Theater, “Communities at Risk Part II” panel discussion of gang activity in our community. 704-636-6119.
Wednesday, Oct. 17
Salisbury Lupus support group, 1:30 p.m., J.F. Hurley YMCA. Joyce Morris, 704-638-0401.
Rowan Museum Board of Trustees, 4 p.m., 202 N. Main St.
Seminar on Prevention of Type 2 Diabetes by CMC-NE endocrinologist, 6:45-7:30 p.m., Trinity Lutheran Church, Landis, 704-857-2441.
Thursday, Oct. 18
Piedmont Farmer’s Market Kannapolis, open year-round Thursdays, Old Cannon Mills Outlet Store, 120 West Ave. (in the Village).
Technical Review Committee for the City of Salisbury, 9 a.m., Seminar Room of The Plaza, 100 West Innes St.
Spencer Presbyterian Faith Community Health Ministry, 2:30 p.m., “Aging With Gusto” by Amanda Gardner of Magnolia Gardens, bring questions. 113 First St., Spencer.Light lunch beforehand. Dot Landis, 704-636-9352.
Salisbury Rowan Human Relations Council, 5:30 p.m., City Council Chambers 217 S. Main St.,
Us Too! International Prostate Education and Support Group, 5:30 p.m., Clay Classroom, RRMC patient tower fourth floor. 704-642-2471.
Andrew Jackson Masonic Lodge Stated Communications, 6 p.m. dinner, 7 p.m. meeting.
Eureka Lodge #45, 7 p.m., 1433 Old Wilkesboro Road. 704-636-3267 or 7040-798-2032.
Friday, Oct. 19
Harold B. Jarret American Legion Post 342 barbecue fundraiser, 11 a.m.-4 p.m., $8, eat in or take out by Wink’s. Pork bbq, slaw, baked beans. At HBJ 342, Lincoln Road, proceeds to Legion projects, call to order Harry Garwood, 704-637-1722.
Storytelling tribute to Jackie Torrence, 6 p.m., Rowan Public Library, 100 West Fisher St., Web:
Bluegrass jam at E.H. Montgomery General Store, Gold Hill, 7-9 p.m., open to all acoustic musicians, admission by donation, 704-267-9439.
Spencer Haunted Trolley tour, Spencer Doll and Toy Museum, 8 p.m., call for reservations 704-762-9359.
Saturday, Oct. 20
Salisbury Farmers Market, 7 a.m.-noon, corner of South Main and Bank streets.
Goldmine Toastmasters, 8:30 a.m., Fairfield Inn, 30330 Cloverleaf Plaza, Kannapolis.
Family Fall Festival, 8 a.m.-5 p.m., car show registration 9 a.m., food available; proceeds to Rowan Helping Ministries. Kannapolis Church of God, 2211 West A St., 7704-855-1290.
St. Paul’s Lutheran Church poker cruise, cruise-in, car show, port-apit chicken to benefit Mike and Lisa Earnhardt,’scruisenbarbecue, 704-633-0922.
Mt. Mitchell UMC Autumn Fest, 9 a.m.-4 p.m., crafts, food, vendors, activities, see Dale Earnhardt Jr.’s No. 88 Chevy Impala Showcar, Civil War re-enactment at 3 p.m, 6001 Old Concord Salisbury Road, Kannapolis.
Salisbury Historic trolley tour, 11 a.m., tour begins and ends at Visitor’s Center, 204 E. Innes St., 704-638-3100,
Rowan Blues and Jazz Festival, 2-11 p.m., 200 West Fisher St., across From The Main Library, see headliners at
Hot Summer Nights Cruise-In, 3-9 p.m. , deejay on the restaurant deck, Historic Gold Hill,
Salisbury Swing Band at Morgan Ridge Vineyards, Gold Hill, 4-7 p.m., $10, 704-639-0911.
Planetarium show, the truth behind the Mayan calendar predictions, 5 and 6:30 p.m., Horizons Unlimited Margaret C. Woodson Planetarium, $3/$2, 704-639-3004.
Spencer Haunted Trolley tour, Spencer Doll and Toy Museum, 8 p.m., call for reservations 704-762-9359.
Sunday, Oct. 21
Enter now: the Rowan County Honor Guard golf tournament, Monday, Oct. 22, Crescent Golf Course, 8 a.m. shotgun start, lunch afterward, proceeds to the all-volunteer Rowan County Veterans Honor Guard. 704-637-7358 or 704-633-8042 for details.