Letters to the editor – Wednesday (10-10-2012)

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Thanks for supporting food collection at fair
        This year. more than 6,000 pounds of food was collected at the Rowan County Fair for Rowan Helping Ministries. We want to thank everyone who brought food to the fairgrounds and also would like to thank the Rowan County Fair Association, Faith Jaycees and Spencer Jaycees for their continued commitment to our community and support of our ministry. Special thanks to Garrett Shermer, Troop 443, for organizing the food donations for his Eagle Scout project.
With the current unemployment rate of 10.1 percent in Rowan County, we are seeing a high demand for services. Last fiscal year, 364,776 pounds of groceries were distributed to 20,500 individuals. We give out more than40 boxes of breakfast cereals every day. Without the ongoing generous food donations from our community, we would have to spend more than $4,200 each month on cereals alone.
We thank you for your ongoing support.
– Cam Campbell
Cam Campbell is the director of resource development & community relations for Rowan Helping Ministries.

Romney has better idea
 Concerning an article in the Sept. 30 Insight section, I would like to add to the tax comparison.
Regarding estate taxes, Barack Obama would increase the current 35 percent rate to 45 percent; Mitt Romney would decrease the 35 percent rate to 0 percent.
Romney shows incredible insight in a reduction of estate taxes at this particular time. The economy will take several years to recover. The unemployment rate is high. GDP growth is almost at zero. Businesses feel no friendly atmosphere. Kids coming out of college have unbelievable student-loan debt. Banks aren’t lending money.
All these factors mean the kids are now behind normal times frames for building a career and savings, although often they have growing families. Perhaps five years into a recovery, the grandparents die. They leave a $1 million estate. Under Mitt Romney the inheritance tax would be zero. Under Barack Obama the heirs would owe $450,000. Where is that amount of money coming from?
Most people won’t save a huge sum in five years; banks won’t lend that money. That leaves the choice – sell your inheritance and receive about half the worth.
With a zero estate tax, the heirs can sell if they choose – or keep a wonderful inheritance.
– Irene Dalton
Editor’s note: The 45 percent estate tax proposal includes a $3.5 million per person exemption. The current exemption is $5.12 million per person.

Vote for Harry Warren
 When I first met Harry Warren at a neighboorhood meeting, I was impressed by the fact that he wanted to see changes made in our state and was willing to give up a good income to serve in our North Carolina legislature. As the election moved past the primary and into the general election in 2010, I was again impressed by his campaign. He had more signs all over the district than anyone had ever seen before. Though he had never run for office before, he very quickly gained an indepth knowledge of the issues. He ran a very smart campaign and emerged the winner in a close election against a well known encumbent.
Once in Raleigh, he represented us well by helping reform our annexation laws, lifting the cap on charter schools, reducing our taxes, and passing a photo voter ID bill (that the governor vetoed). He helped balance our state budget without raising taxes.
Harry Warren has held regular town hall meetings in varied locations to receive citizen input. I have been to most of those and appreciate his willingness to answer questions directly from attendees.
Harry Warren regularly sends email updates of what is going on in Raleigh to keep us well informed. He has worked very hard for us, represented us well in Raleigh and deserves to be re-elected for another two years. I hope you will join me in returning him to Raleigh for another term.
– Larry Wright

 Endorsement deadline

 Letters endorsing candidates in the Nov. 6 election must be received at the Salisbury Post by 5 p.m., Oct. 30.