Letters to the editor – Saturday (10-6-2012)

Published 12:00 am Friday, October 5, 2012

The article about the lowest bid and its relationship to the assigned budget for the proposed school central office came as no surprise. Was this in the works all along, and did school officials believe that they could get by the $6 million assigned by claiming that extra money was needed for the building due to “economic realities”? I wondered all along why, in view of the ongoing economic difficulties of the region and the nation, bureaucrats should be catered to instead of the schools and whether the building and its location are not (1) an undeserved convenience for school administrators of questionable value and (2) part of a stimulus plan for the downtown area.
I personally want the money assigned to the schools for their improvement, and that means doing more than looking for technological fixes for subliteracy, innumeracy and cultural illiteracy, not to the bureaucrats of the education sector. If the building is constructed anyway, let it be within the present amount with NO extras from any source, and if this is claimed to be impossible, then let it R.I.P. as it should. This should never have been considered in these times with our current problems, but I perceive all this as one more example of higher-ups in white-collar life asking for and expecting benefits not given to the masses and often taken away from them. I call on the public of Rowan County to voice its disapproval of what appears to be a move to increase funding for this unmerited building instead of merely griping about it.
– Richard Nash Creel
Oh, wow, presidential election time again! Our choices are Barack Obama and Mitt Romney. By the way, what happened to those other candidates?
Believe it or not, there are a few people who don’t want either candidate to be president.
However, it doesn’t matter who the president is because that person will never be able to completely wipe out the national debt or repair the damage that has been done to the nation and its citizens. It’ll take a miracle to put the United States back on an even keel, and mankind cannot make miracles happen, only God can. People, including candidates, seem to forget that God is in control of the whole world and our future.
So therefore, go ahead and vote for your choice of the candidates, but don’t expect him to jump through hoops, keep his promises or perform the miracles you think he’ll do. However, we can still count on one thing from both candidates, which is the continuation of taxpayers’ money being spent on unimportant projects and such. Better to put our faith in God than mankind.
– Ellie Mae Lambert
I can’t believe recent comments that have been made in the Salisbury Post about President Obama. The Post is sounding like a Republican paper.
I am a Gulf War and Desert Storm veteran. I am not going to vote for someone who may cut military benefits. That’s my only income since losing various jobs.
Let’s try to make this a fair election. If someone is trying to stand up for what right’s for their party, we don’t need to attack them or be ugly and disrespectful. I still have to pay taxes and will be buried in a veterans’ cemetery.
Do the comparisons and decide who to vote for. Let my fellow Democrats be. Let them state their opinion, just like you stated yours. It has been very interesting following the campaign ads, comments and debates. So, cast your votes – or just send them over to the Cayman Islands. (I have a sense of humor about this voting thing.)
I have fought for my country, and I am against anyone who’s just going to hand me a piece of cheese … even though the piece of cheese was great during the Reagan adminstration.
– Ruby Walker