2012 N.C. State Short Story Contest
Published 12:00 am Sunday, September 23, 2012
The 2012 N.C. State Short Story Contest is under way. It is one of the largest free literary competitions in the South. Sponsored by the N.C. State University Creative Writing Program, this year’s guest judge is Tony Earley, author of several coming-of-age novels, short story collections and essays. He is a professor at Vanderbilt University.
Postmark deadline is Monday, Oct. 1. Earley will announce the winners and read from his own work on Wednesday, Nov. 7, at 7:30 p.m. at Studio Theatre, Thompson Hall, N.C. State University campus. Thompson Hall is next to the coliseum parking deck, accessible from Cates or Dunn avenues.
The contest is open to all North Carolina residents, except those who have published a book or are tenure-track professors in the UNC system. Contestants may enter a story in both the longer fiction ($500 prize) and shorter fiction ($250 prize) categories. Longer fiction stories must be less than 5,000 words and no longer than 20 double-spaced pages. Shorter fiction stories must be less than 1,200 words and no longer than five double-spaced pages. Previous finalists must submit new work.
All entries must be typed and double-spaced. Include a word count on the first page. Do not put your name on the story, but include a cover sheet with name and contact information. Due to volume, they cannot contact each contestant or return stories.
Submit stories to: NCSU Short Story Contest, Campus Box 8105, English Department, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC 27695-8105.
For more information, visit http://english.chass.ncsu.edu/creativewriting/story_contest.php or email Kristie Demers: kedemers@ncsu.edu