Letters to the editor – Monday (9-17-2012)

Published 12:00 am Sunday, September 16, 2012

Political allegiances get in way of moving forward 
I like to compare political parties to sports fanatics: people “rooting” for their respective teams, blindly following, adopting a herd mentality. It is all too prevalent in our society, and our first president most certainly “called” this one in his farewell speech. Read it if you’ve never. You can see it in action at the elaborate political conventions each party hosts. Followers/fans “hoopin’ and hollerin'” for their respective team, bashing the “opponents” instead of trying to find common middle ground on which to stand together and push our nation forward.
Folks, I implore you to learn to think for yourselves and not be mindless drones. You do yourselves and the rest of us a disservice when you “follow the pack.”
– Joel Johnson

Taking back the GOP
To my Republican, Democratic and independent friends, we are all aware that having strong parties with good ideas (even if we disagree) allows for good discourse, good exchange and growth and progress for the country and its citizens.
The Democrats need a strong Republican party, and likewise, the Republicans need a strong Democratic party. It’s the exchange of opposing ideas that creates a better tomorrow for all of us. With that being said, My Republican friends, please take back your party! Take it back like John McCain took the microphone from the woman who said Obama was an Arab … he took the microphone back and was decisive in his correction of her, informing her that Obama was a good, decent man whom he just happened to disagree with. We cannot engage in good discussion and discourse lately, and I miss those days. The discussion now only involves extreme and isolating ideas.
My suggestion is that you walk away from Mitt Romney while you can. He is not really your choice. You know he has no center, no core. He believes in whatever opportunity is present. He champions only what is seemingly popular to the crowd he is in front of.
Mitt Romney is not good for the country, and he is not good for the Republican Party. He wants to be president because it is the only “corporation” with a potential opening for the CEO position. Apple and Walmart are already filled. Go back and prepare for 2016. Bring forward someone worth challenging our candidate in 2016. She will need someone credible to defeat.
– Michael Phillips

Snoozing on the job?
“Chappaquiddick Ted” was called by some “The Swimmer.” As Mr. Obama apparently can sleep comfortably when a Libyan ambassador is missing, I hereby christen Mr. Obama “The Sleeper.”
– Stephen Owen