Political notebook
Published 12:00 am Friday, September 14, 2012
A North Caroilna anti-abortion group has endorsed Gene McIntyre for state Senate, McIntyre’s campaign announced in a press release last week.
“We appreciate your commitment to upholding the sanctity of human life from conception/creation to natural death,” wrote Barbara Holt, president of the North Carolina Right to Life Political Action Committee. “We look forward to working with you to protect our laws from being repealed and to advance further the protection of innocent human life from abortion.”
North Carolina Right to Life works against abortion, infanticide and euthanasia through public policy and legislation on both the federal and state levels.
McIntyre, a Republican, is currently a county commissioner in Stanly County. He faces Democrat Gene McLaurin in the general election for N.C. Senate District 25.
Motsinger launches website
The Elisabeth Motsinger for Congress campaign has launched a new website at www.nc5th.us.
The website contains information about Motsinger’s stand on issues that concern 5th District voters, links to voter registration and early voting information, an interactive district boundary map and news articles about the campaign.
It also includes information about campaign events, including several debates and forums, and links for getting involved.
“I am running to represent all the people of the 5th District, and it is very important that I hear from voters,” Motsinger said in a Sunday press release. “Our new website makes it very easy for citizens to reach my campaign, in whatever manner they choose.”
Motsinger, a Democrat, is a member of the Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Board of Education. This fall, she will challenge Republican incumbent U.S. Rep. Virginia Foxx in the election for U.S. House District 5.
Reed to raise money for Forest
Dan Forest, Republican candidate for lieutenant governor, Thursday announced that Ralph Reed of the Faith and Freedom Coalition will attend a fundraiser for his campaign in October.
Reed will speak at a reception on Friday, Oct. 5 from 6 to 8 p.m., at the home of Mark and Hope Kemp in Burlington.
Reed founded the Faith and Freedom Coalition two years ago in Atlanta, and he serves as its chairman. Reed is also chairman and chief executive officer of Century Strategies, a public relations and public affairs firm. He was executive director of the Christian Coalition from 1989-1997.
This is a ticketed event, and people must RSVP by emailing neal@danforest.com. Tickets start at $100 per guest.
Forest is running against Democratic candidate Linda Coleman in the general election.