Published 12:00 am Friday, September 7, 2012

What has Romney done for humanity?
Regarding the Sept. 3 “My Turn” by Mary James:
You have most cogently expressed the reasons why it is incumbent upon Gov. Romney to release more of his tax returns, particularly for the years 2008 and 2009.
Sen. John McCain, quite obviously, never had the opportunity to view those returns.
A significant portion of Romney’s wealth has been created through the compounding of tax savings produced by foreign tax avoidance schemes available only to the wealthy.
In addition, it is likely that, following the disclosure by UBS of secret U.S. account holders, Romney sought and received the tax amnesty offered in 2009 by the IRS to taxpayers who had failed to disclose in their returns foreign bank accounts, particularly ones held at UBS.
Some 15,000 taxpayers availed themselves of this relief based on the understanding that their names never would be disclosed.
Romney has gambled that he would not have to release more than two years of his returns, believing that he could hide behind McCain, who released only two years of his returns .
We knew McCain for many years to be an upstanding American who truly cared about people. We have not had the same experience with Romney, whom we hardly know.
I have spent the last 12 years of my 72-year life producing CowParade public art events around the world, the latest being in North Carolina, Northern Ireland, Rio de Janeiro and Toulouse.
These exhibits make people smile, benefit artists and, most importantly, raise money for children’s charities. CowParade Austin in 2011 resulted in over $1 million for Dell Children’s Hospital.
Altogether, our events have raised more than $30 million. I, personally, have received financial benefits only to the extent necessary to lead a modest life style.
My gratification comes from the good we do for kids and their parents.
With all of his vast fortune, what has Romney done for humanity, other than to support a religious institution which mandates 10 percent tithing as a condition of acceptance?
His tax returns do matter.
— Jerry Elbaum
Bloomfield, Conn.
Elbaum is president of CowParade Global Ltd.