
Published 12:00 am Friday, August 31, 2012

Deadline for posters is 5 p.m.
• J.C. Price American Legion Post 107 Sunday Night JAM 9 p.m-2 a.m. Photos, raffles and door prizes, deejay Majik Mike. Donation $5 all night. Dress code enforced. Security present. Must be 21 with proper ID. Bring school supplies for our Labor Day picnic give-away Sept. 3. For birthday tables, call 704-633-6484.
• Steppin’ Out casino trip Sept. 22, $40, seats still available. Money due by Sept. 5. Leaving Captain D’s parking lot at 7 a.m., returning around 11 p.m. 704-640-6993 or 704-232-5201.
• Annual Dukeville Reunion, Sept. 8 at former Dukeville School building. Covered dish lunch at noon. For former attendees of Dukeville School and former residents of Dukeville Village. 336-853-6102.
• Hot dog sale, 10 a.m.-2 p.m., Fridays. Mount Olivet United Methodist Church, 301 Mt. Olivet Road, Concord, 704-782-8846,
• Henry and Laura Graham Ellis descendants family reunion Saturday, Sept. 8, Cleveland Town Park, Clement Street Cleveland. Covered dish fellowship 1 p.m. Call Trudy Neely 704-633-3552, George Ellis 336-753-1255, Mack Ellis 704-232-0993, Jeanette Rankin 704-278-9694.